I'm not sure what you mean KG. Do you mean you forgot where you left off in the story? I can relate to that. It happened with me with Mass Effect TWICE. I was between jobs at the time so had a lot more of an opportunity to go out. One night I got drunk, came home, and played for like 5 hours. I couldn't remember ANYTHING that I had done when I woke up the next morning and had saved over my old saves like a drunken idiot.
I basically had to start over. Then the same thing happened a 2 weeks later. My video game systems need a breathalyzer or something.
I'm still at level 48 for Borderlands. It was a great game, but the replay value of it is drastically dropping for me. I just don't have much interest in replaying the regular story, which was ass, and the Moxxi DLC is fun but isn't really renewing my interest in the game like I had hoped it would.
Well I just have a slew of side quests and I haven't a clue how to deal with them. For example there's one side quest where I deliver a letter to 3 people in 3 different places......I remember doing one person but the quest log doesn't tell me which. So there's a quest I'm totally lost on as an example.
As I started to progress the story, other moments and characters are referenced and I'm stuck trying to remember who they are.
It was a bit hard to get back into as well, cause it's like watching half a movie, stopping it for a month and then turning it back on. Not gonna remember all the plotlines! (Had a 3 week vacation, then took 2 weeks to play a bunch of other titles and then xmas was like 6 weeks since I was playing this!)