It's been a problem forever, and you could argue it killed his DVD business (along with iPPV to be fair, because the hardcores who needed to see everything were just ordering live or on demand). DGUSA was a hot DVD property at the start, they were a real high quality item with premium packaging, always multiple discs with extras from FIP or DG Japan, etc. Now they come out over a year later, in standard packaging with no extras.
The entire DGUSA concept, if you recall at the beginning, was a "premium wrestling experience". Six match cards that were always STACKED with nothing but top talent & dream matches, higher ticket prices that were tiered which allowed the high priced tickets early entry to watch the try out matches, premium DVD's, storyline continuity with DG Japan, etc. That all got dropped along the way. Now we get marathon cards in shitty buildings, DVD's over a year later after nobody wants to see the damn show anymore, and if you're lucky, 3 or 4 authentic DG wrestlers per show.
Somewhere along the way this concept took a bad turn. I used to be all in on this, I just can't muster the enthusiasm anymore. And this from someone who eats Dragon Gate for breakfast. I still watch DGUSA, but it just isn't the same.