Halo Reach (any version), $20 gift card, 500 RZ points from Bestbuy.com (free ship w/ in store pick up or if you're a Rewards Zone member)
Pre Order any of the 4 versions of Halo Reach. You get a $20 gift card shipped to you. If you are in the Rewards Zone Gamers Club (you can sign up for free), you get 500 points.
Click on this link:
Click on the version you want to add to your cart
Click on the $20 gift card, near the bottom of the page, to add to your cart
Check out
You can choose in store pick up to avoid shipping costs. You can pick it up on 9/14/10. Also, free shipping if you're a Rewards Zone member.
The bonus 500 Reward Zone Points will probably be added to your account when you get charged as the game gets released on 9/14/10. The 500 points is worth $10 of store credit (thanks to RDS2 for pointing that out!).
$30 worth of Best Buy credit in total plus you have the option to get the game on its release date via store pick up!