War Hero
LEGO City does look pretty fucking awesome. But how long before it bombs on this console and they bring it to 360/PS3?
Wouldn't be shock to get a 360/PS3 port a few months after its released so they can make up for the poor sales on the Wii U.
New figures have come to light that show that Wii U software sales during January were worse than PlayStation Vita software sales. The Wii U only managed to sell 34,000 games (this includes bundled Nintendo Land), while the PlayStation Vita sold 46,000 software units. The Xbox 360 sold the most software in the UK, with 810,000 sold. The PlayStation 3 followed closely behind with 545,000 pieces of software sold. The Nintendo 3DS sold less software than Wii and Nintendo DS in January. Here’s the figures.
Xbox 360: 810K
PlayStation 3: 545K
PC: 228K
Wii: 182K
Nintendo DS: 139K
Nintendo 3DS: 112K
PlayStation Vita: 46K
Wii U: 34K
PSP: 13K
PlayStation 2: 2K