Here it is for you to see. First off, he didn't have the puck. I don't give a shit how tall Joe is, if you watch the video, it is clear that Perron was not even looking at Thorton coming, he had his head down trying to get a pass, and Thorton goes to hit him. So that right there, is a no-no and something the league is trying to crack down on. Blind side hits, where a guy is in a vulnerable position.
Now for his size thing. Seriously Joe, shut the fuck up. You know how tall you are, and I don't hear Chara crying foul or taking suspensions and that guy is bigger then you. Big men need to learn to hit like big men. Sure it looks in the video like a shoulder hit, but it is still to a vulnerable player and to his head.
If only Joe would get this fired up during Sharks playoff runs :smug: