The World Cup is supposed to be an inclusive place. FIFA doesn't run initiatives like 'Kick Racism Out' just so they can go to a country in which women are oppressed and gays are vilified. The Middle East is not a place where people from all corners of the world will be able to feel comfortable going. What happens if Israel should somehow come out of their WC qualifying group? While the two countries are peaceful, Qatar has been quite vocal in their support for Hamas.
Caribbean, I think you are being facetious by comparing Qatar to the treatment of Aboriginees in Australia or Native Americans in the US. While that was/is a terrible thing, most governments and citizens of those countries recognize that wrong doing and have taken steps to apologize. Whether those steps are far enough (Native Americans in America still feel marginalized) it is not an outright ban on a type of expression.
Sure, Qatar will 'change' their rules for that one month period. But that will be like China hiding all their poor people when they hosted the Olympics. Problems aren't being solved, they are being hidden from the Western world. Like GoBlue, different cultures are to be cherished and enjoyed. As someone who has been to 30+ countries so far in my life, there is really no way I would want to travel to Qatar with my fiance. It can only pale in comparison to the time I had in Germany for WC06 and Austria for Euro08. Why? Because I didn't have to check my beer at a designated drinking zone. I didn't have to make sure my fiance is fully covered in 50+ celsius temperatures.
I can't wait for the fan reports to come back from this WC. I am planning on going to WC2014, and I'd like to go to WC2018. I just don't really see anyway that I find going to Qatar to be a worthwhile experience.
How the fuck can you afford to go to all those WCs? PM me if you have any tips on getting better deals lol