So I decided I want to follow UEFA club football, need to pick a team to support.
Every team I chose to support as a kid either was a scrub (Sharks, Patriots, Tiger Cats) before becoming winners, or still is a scrub (Blue Jays, TFC, CMNT). I'm not at a point in my life where I want to pick some bottom end team and hope they achieve glory in some fluke year, I'd rather get involved and as wr50l put it....gloryhunt. :shifty:
I don't care really, never been a bandwagoner so I figure I can get away with it here.
So that narrows it down to the top clubs.
Can't be pissed to watch games in foreign languages, so that rules out all but the UK, and SPL doesn't seem all that exciting to follow with 2 perennial beasts ruling it year in and year out.
So it appears it's the EPL, but which one to care for?
The roster can't have players I already dislike through Int'l play, and the shirts need to be sick.
Thanks to a ridiculously awesome 3rd kit (which looks much like the new CMNT kits), I decided I'll start to follow:
Any other recommendations? I may not even commit, but I do expect to catch the rest of their matches this year to see if I can draw myself in....but just wondering if there's any other teams that fit that criteria that I could try and follow.