I don't think I've ever done Prem predictions, these aren't really thought out, just initial thoughts.
Top 5.
1. Chelsea - I hate to say it, but I seem them being the most consistent. They made a few smart buys and have looked solid. They're not head and shoulders above many teams, but it should be a close race.
2. Liverpool - I think they'll have a similar year to last year, which is good news. If they make one more signing, a quality winger, or maybe another striker I could see them winning it.
3. Man U. - Obviously things are going to need to change, and everyone seems to understand that, but I don't see them really getting into a groove until January or so.
4. Arsenal - I do't see Man City breaking it yet, mainly because I think Arsenal have a chance to challenge for the title. They've taken a few steps back with signings, but they seem to have clicked this pre-season.
5.Everton - Pretty conservative, but if they hang on to Lescott, I can see them repeating last yer, if not, I can still see them do it. I only really expect Villa to challenge them here.
Surprise team - Obviously this is hard to pick, but I have good feelings about Bolton this season.
18. Balckburn - They didn't show much last year, and if the bottom of the table wasn't so bad they'd be down.
19. Wolves - I'd like to see them stay up, but probably wont happen.
20. Hull - No dream start means relegation.