I just don't agree with you at all on this. For starters I take issue with the description of Shawcross' tackle as clumsy and out of control. That is a yellow card if Ramsey didn't get injured, it is not recklessly dangerous, it is just a mistiming. Mistimed tackles account for most of the fouls in every football game. It's just particularly unfortunate that this mistimed tackle happened in a 50-50 ball. You know the inherent dangers of two players closing in on a loose ball at speed and meeting at almost exactly the same time, there is no margin for error. If anything this is Aaron Ramsey's fault for not following rule #1 of the 50-50 ball - to go in as hard as the other guy.
I just want to reiterate, to me this is an unfortunate accident. These things happen. Had Shawcross came in high, lead with studs or trodden or Ramsey's leg this would be a different story. An indefinite ban as far as I'm concerned because I hate that reckless disregard for another player so much (see it go unpunished on the weekly basis too). Shawcross simply went for the ball with a legitimate style, and fate made things go horribly wrong.