********************************Browns -v- Saints **********************************
________________________________( at New Orleans )___________________________________
GG Virix !!!!
Yeah man, definetly a good game, but the thing i'm begining to notice, and it just seems
a bit disturbing, is how quickly the "other" team snowballs when shit gets outta control..
Now granted you didn't have the best QB on your Cleveland team (Weeden), but after that 1st
INT it just got gradually worse, until you got to 5.. I dunno, somethings just not right
with the game, and the thing is I can't pinpoint it.. Under normal circumstances you'd be
all over me, even with the Browns, but thanks to the All-World performance from my ace in
the hole lockdown corner Jabari Greer (sarcasm), it just wasn't meant to go the Browns way
today.. Think i'm happy right now ?? If anything i'm even more irked than taking a loss or
two (thank you btw jmiles and DSGB), and why ?? cuz there's more than just one instance of
things going downhill in a hurry, and fast!.. Well regardless V, thanks for the ballgame, &
I hope the next time we play we do it how it should be done, maybe it's part of the patch
tweak coming out, who knows ??.. check ya soon bra'.
P.o.G.= Mark Ingram.. over a hunsky & a couple TD's, yeah, it's his!