2.) Special effects are awful. I'm not talking the makeup or set design, those are normally very good. I was amazed at how they were able to make the first zombie that Rick sees in the grass. But there are a lot of random effects that look absolutely awful and clearly CGI. For instance, in the last episode, they are throwing bodies of zombies onto an unlit pyre. They stack up the dead and are set to light it. They could just show them lowering the torch and a fire burning in front of their faces so you cannot see the scale of the flame. It is cliche, but everyone gets the point that they are burning the bodies. Instead, they do a dramatic overhead and add in CGI effects that look absolutely terrible. Watch it, you'll see how laughable the flame looks. Every time I see these effects, I cannot help but laugh. This also helped to make the final episode of the first season a laughing stock since the explosion effects were among the worst I've ever seen.