LOL at this bullshit that I keep hearing.
You know who else were "winners with that IT factor" in big time college programs? Matt Leinart, Vince Young, Eric Crouch, Jason White, Chris Weinke, Rex Grossman, Ken Dorsey, and a bunch of other lilly faced faggots who never amounted to jack shit in the NFL. You know who didn't have that "IT" factor in college? Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, and Drew Brees.
Take that "IT" factor and shove it up your ass because this is the big boy league and if you can't read defenses and pass with pin point accuracy then you're not going to win ball games as a QB. Whatever these guys did in college really doesn't mean shit because the QB position is a whole 'nother world. Simple as that.
Now, with that said, to those wondering where I was all day, I didn't watch the game because as soon as I heard Tim Tebow was starting I knew the Raiders would kick the crap right out of the Broncos and I was right.
Yeah, a real fucking winner. L O L.