The show was - as Warner mentioned, by TNA standards - pretty decent.
The Wrestle-1 match was a good, basic opener. Everything was crisp. Crowd from my seat was pretty hot for Muta. Probably one of the most over guys of the night.
Unfortunately, no one outside of me "got" Samuel Shaw. No fucks were given about him. Anderson is the drizzling shits. Match was pretty awful.
ECIII v. Bobby Lashley was a total dud.
TJP v. Extreme Tiger was pretty good. No fucks were given about it though by the crowd.
James Storm v. Gunner nearly put me to sleep.
Madison Rayne v. Gail Kim was pretty good. Best match of the night.
Magnus v. Samoa Joe was overbooked. Magnus is fucking awful. CORPORATE ABYSS might be the dumbest shit I've ever witnessed live. After this, droves of people left and never came back. These two smarky dudes in front of me were more grossed out by this dumb shit than I was. Visibly upset by how dumb it was. Totally took the crowd out of it.
Lethal Lockdown match was good until the overbooked shenanigans.
Now...for other thoughts.
As mentioned...the GenPop was out in full force. I was supposed to be sandwiched between emo-Rebel Wilson and Gary the to my seat, saw who was there, and immediately sought greener pastures. I ended up finding a great seat smack dab in the middle to get a perfect view opposite hard cam.
I never realized how popular VaporShark and other Electronic Cigarettes are. Might be more annoying and obnoxious than actual cigarettes.
Place was about 2/3 of the way full. There was blocks of seats that were empty on the floor. There were 12 seats in each row (two sections) on the right of the hard cam...there were blocks of 5-8 seats with no butts in seats in 6-7 rows. Over on the ramp side, the right side had the entire corner with no butts in seats. On the lower levels, everyone kind of moved down and packed in, but there were still seats with no butts in them. On the second tier of the lower level, scattered seats, mostly empty.
Now, an overall point...
TNA needs to trim more fat off this roster. They still have too many guys that give no fucks and cash checks. Mr. Anderson needs to fuckin go. I really hope they don't keep Bobby Lashley around...he's a check collector. James Storm and Gunner need to fuckin go. Get Magnus the fuck out of here. And, honestly, Joe is getting real close to the door. BroMans need to go (but keep DJ Zema) I don't care how many dorky kids pop for Jeff Harvey...get him the fuck out. His Willow gimmick is the drizzling shits, too.
And for god's sake...GET RID OF ABYSS. He needs to go for good. For realz, he might be one of the worst on the planet. I'd rather watch 24 hours of Kane matches.
They need to infuse TNA with guys who give a fuck.
MVP, he is no stud, but he looks at least a little inspired out there.
Eddie Edwards is no charisma machine...but, he shows more passion in one hot tag than the aforementioned guys have in years.
Davey looks like he is having some fun.
Aries is the only guy active on the roster who gives a legitimate "star" vibe to him.
I have no idea why the sandbag TJP...he's fucking good and every time he is out there, he wants to put on a good match.
Kaz has been a JOB GUY for like 3 years now...and he is still out there bumping like a mad man.
They need more guys like that...and they need to get rid of the fuckin check cashers, because that vibe spreads quickly in TNA and I'd hate to see the above guys go down that road like so many before them.