Steel Mamba
I'm still playing 2k8. which is still interesting to me considering the game's age.
How many years do you think you could continue to play Madden 13? 12? 11? 10? etc.
This is the make or break year for me, if Madden doesn't give me a better experience than a Generic football game with piss poor player models that's 5 years old, I've promised myself not to throw any more $ at EA.
Well put. The fact that 2k8 is still alive and active says a lot. It's been awhile since I jumped online with it, but I know there are still active leagues for it out there, and when I was playing there was always someone in the MP lobby. That's good proof that Madden still hasn't surpassed 2k, for some at least.
Personally, with all the talk of physics and the new engine I thought this would finally be the year that I get back into Madden. But, after a few minutes on the demo I'm already bored with it. The core mechanics still feel exactly the same, and while the game definitely looks amazing, and may even look realistic as well, I'm still not convinced that it plays very realistically. It still seems to be missing the core X's and O's and strategy aspect of the game. With EA football titles I never really find myself having to put much thought into what I do or how I approach another opponent. Maybe I need more time on it though, idk. I'm gonna keep an open mind and look for some gameplay vids of the retail version.
Overall, I'm sure it's a solid game I don't want to knock it in general. I just don't know if it's a game for everyone, sim fans included. What I care about is gameplay, all the franchise, superstar, and connected careers stuff I never play with anyway. Cool features, but I'm not interested in any of it. For sports games all I play is online ranked (which also means I can't fix the game with sliders) so the gameplay has to be superb and sim. With that said, I'm not going to throw my money at it if it doesn't deliver on that. They'll continue to go towards the casual gameplay if it continues to sell well, and once you buy it, that's it, you've given them your vote of approval. Even from a casual perspective though, it does seem odd that places like Gamespot are rating it low, when usually they give Madden high ratings even when the game was atrocious. Not sure what that's saying, even the more casual players are fed up with the same old same old from Madden?