Personally, I like the WrestleMania match better mainly because I really hate WWE-style cage matches because they just don't make sense. They ruin the psychology of the match IMO. Now the crowd was hotter for the Summerslam so that may play into it and while it's an awesome, awesome match, it's just a weirdly-booked cage match. Half of the match is Owen jumping towards the door and getting grabbed, to me, that's boring psychology, albeit still fun.
Long story short: Mania.
Thats one of the main critiques of the cage match, that Owen spends too much time trying to escape. I happen to agree.
Anyway, I have three more FIVE STARS to add to my list, I can't believe I forgot these last night, but here they are:
BURNING (Kenta Kobashi, KENTA, Atsushi Aoki, Akihito Ito) vs Kensuke Office (Kensuke Sasaki, Katsuhiko Nakajima, Takashi Okita, Kento Miyahara) elimination match - Kensuke Office, 8/17/2008
KENTA vs Katsuhiko Nakajima - Kensuke Office, 2/11/2009
KENTA vs Katsuhiko Nakajima - NOAH, 3/1/2009
The elimination match is an hour plus and never drags. The two KENTA/Nakajima matches are just amazing, and all three should be watched in order to fully appreciate. The BURNING vs KO feud of 08/09 is great stuff.
KENTA's 2009 is possibly the greatest in ring year ever, despite the fact he tore his knee and missed half the year. Besides the Nakajima matches, he also had the Nigel McGuinness match at ROH 7th Anniversary, the Davey Richards match at ROH WrestleMania weekend in Houston, and the great ROH on HDNet matches vs Chris Hero & Roderick Strong. Not to mention NOAH matches against Kotaro Suzuki & Atsushi Aoki.
Missy Hyatt called the McGuinness match the best match she ever saw live, and the Davey match would have been five stars from everybody on the planet if not for the botched finish.