I was watching the draft on both channels from last night and came away with these impressions:
ESPN The one good thing they did was reduce the number of people at the main table. A few years ago I think theyhad like 6 guys at the table and everyone was trying to get a word in and it was just a terrible mess.
They had three guys at the main table and it was a cleaner production this year. I can't stand Gruden but ESPn doesn't have much else to choose from. Think what you will of Kiper but having him as one of only three guys is a good idea he's your draft "expert" so giving him more air time and talking time makes sense.
Suzy Kolber was just flat out annoying as usual. The reading of the email from Mark Ingram's dad was terribly awkward.
Mort and Schefter were solid as usual.
Berman is losing it. He's mentally just not as sharp anymore. Iknow people say his schtick got old years ago and while true he's mentally just not tracking as well as he used to. Takes him way to long to put thoughts together and he stammers and seems to lose his train of thought or can't find the words he wants to use as well. His rambling about Cutler, the Bears, pass protection etc was painful TV. Berman has gone from annoying to a shell of his former self mentally. It's one thing to think a guy is annoying it's another to watch someone mentally wear down on TV and barely be able to speak. Sad.
NFLNetwork The first draft I ever watched on NFLNetwork and I came away very unimpressed. They were suffereing from what ESPn did a few years ago with WAY too many guys at the table, then they have to cut away to Deion interviewing guys, then to Lombardi down near the pit area and all over the place. The only part of the broadcast I enjoyed was when they showed the pissed off NFL executive on the phone during the Raven's pick debacle, and when mayock could get a word in.
Mayock is supposed to be the draft expert yet he could barely speak. Mayock should be the golden boy for this event and he could barely get a word in.
Rich Eisen was horrible. Maybe him and Berman were out late partying or something late the night before but he did a terrible job mediating the cluster fuck at the table and him cutting to break was a joke. Most times you didn't know they were going to commercial until the commercial started. Eisen looked lost and seemed to have no idea how to control the situation.
Deion interviewing Ingram right after Kolber and trying to ask him about the email was a hilarious attempt at poaching the story and really odd.
The production was really sloppy and little things like nothaving highlight packages play for a lot of the picks was both odd and a bad choice. I'd rather seem some footage and hear Mayock break it down than a picture with some measurables then listen to Faulk and Irvin drone on.
Irvin gushing over Adrian Clayboure playing TE in HS and how great his hands are and how his pass ctachign hands will help him as defensive lineman was hilarious.