No Homo
thats not funny. its not even a nice try.
To me this is Rush craving his power and some internet web popularity. Seriously. He sells his forum cause he cant run it on his own and has no clue how to fix the problems. Then after 3 months of being with TGL he starts a new forum and claims it didnt work out. Well what exactly didnt work out? it didnt work out that the site was sold to them and Rush only had admin rights by name and couldnt do anything.....i mean, rush didnt know how to do anything which is why he sold the thing to begin with.
And lets not forget that the it didnt work out excuse has been used twice now that i know of. Remember when he brought gambino to vsn the first time? then after whatever BS went on, he backstabbed to guy to everyone by dogging the shit out of him and used the excuse that it didnt work out. Well if it didnt work out once, what made you think it would work out a 2nd time? It seems to me that gambino just got stabbed in the back again.
and what was wrong with gambino? he seemed like any other poster on that forum. He wasnt a dick, didnt act high and mighty he was part of discussions and didnt seem to moderate much of anything. How would that not work out? They seemed to have a shitload of tourney style madden guys, but so fucking what. Its not like VSN was full of sports gamers. And the sports gamers they did have never posted anything outside of their franchise or league forums. Its not like u cant find or create 9 million sim leagues anyways.....not to mention, madden sucks ass!
idk, i have known rush since 2002 and it seems like he has trolled his way or lied cheated and backstabbed his way around every forum he has been a part of. I think its pretty lame that like a bunch of sheep everyone would just pack up and follow. Like theres something special about a rush owned forum. Lets not forget that it was rush's piss poor abilities that led to killgod, agrath, len and all those guys to bolt to their own league website. It watered down the activity. Then rush sell to tgl and it again waters down the activity. Now this new site, which will water down the activity again.
As long as rush can be king of the dipshits and feel like he is cool on a web forum. And you fucking fools who cant think for yourselves are the dipshits who seem to follow him where ever he goes. I hope he at least swallows.
btw, rush better hope gambino doesnt have some form of a non compete in the agreement. Im curious how you got this old database of posts. It would seem that tgl might own that stuff. But i am sure rush knows since he is obviously a good manager of forums