I like the Big Bang Theory, but I don't relate to Penny at all. I relate most to Sheldon, because he doesn't comply with social frivolities. People see him as annoying, but its him just doing what he wants to do. I can see why people wouldn't like the show...much of the humor is based on the characters, so if you don't buy into the characters themselves, the jokes alone aren't that funny.
I have a friend who is big into TV shows, and he's always giving me DVD sets to watch and recommending new shows. I never got into The Wire...started out too slow for me and just didn't have the patience. Another show he gave me was Deadwood (??), which was interesting by kind of unwatchable, like a Shakespearean Western. He also tried to get me into Happy Endings, but I thought every character was reprehensible and the humor was totally lost on me (kind of like a modern reworking of Friends, same pointless people but with blacks and gays). One of the girls on the show made me turn an episode off, and I never picked it up after that. Never got into Game of Thrones, either...I thought I'd like it, too.
I'll just list some other shows with comments:
30 Rock - very hit or miss with me. Basically Alec Baldwin is funny, Matt Damon's guest spots were gold, but everyone else on the show isn't funny.
Friends - wife made me watch this show. None of the characters have any redeemable qualities. Matthew Perry is not funny. The only character I found humorous was Matt LeBlanc's because it was just so stupid, yet he's the character everyone else hated. Go figure.
Sex in the City - another wife show. This POS corrupted females more than Oprah. Hate everything about this show...the cast sucks, the preachiness is overt. Possibly the worst show I've ever seen.
Seinfeld - Never really got into this. I really liked George. Didn't quite understand Kramer or why people thought he was funny. Not a bad show, but many people thought this was the greatest sitcom of all-time.