Are you fucking serious?
First of all, Vick is a weapon, but he blew goats as a QB BEFORE he got suspended. God forbid a team sign him with the expectations that he do damage from under center after missing two seasons. If Jerry were to sign him for that purpose, he should be committed.
Are you not listening? Jerry has (supposedly) learned his lesson about signing guys on a short leash. Even if Vick were actually a good QB (and he's not), there's no reason Jerry would put that kind of feeler out for a guy he couldn't trust to stay out of trouble after the nonsense QBert did last year.
As a QB Kitna> Vick. Not only that, but down the line, McGee > Vick. And we can actually count on them to stay out of trouble.
I'll say it again - ZERO PERCENT (0%, since you have trouble with reading comprehension) Vick ends up a Cowboy.
BTW, they beat TB with Johnson. I know. I was there. Learn to read the scoreboard properly.
Please stop posting on this subject. You make yourself look dumber with every rebuttal.
I am listening. Once again, this is Jerry Jones we're talking about. The proof is in the "(supposedly)" you put there, which only proves my point because even you're doubting that he had even "learned his lesson". Are you listening to
Jerry Jones has been making huge moves for either big names or friends his entire time as an owner. Hasn't learned his lesson then, still hasn't now because it's the way he operates. If you think he should be committed for signing Vick, you should have been one of the first ones petitioning for it when he signed Pacman and Tank.
Also, your point of saying McGee > Vick is insane. If you're saying that Jesse Holley won't make that roster, then how can you say a guy that hasn't even played in an NFL preseason is better than Michael Vick. That's just ridiculous. You're saying I look dumb and you just said Stephen McGee, in time, will be better than Vick? McGee never really played pro-style at Texas A&M, he was an option style QB. He's not faster than Vick and he doesn't have the arm strength Vick has. Accuracy, I'm not sure about. Sure, he hasn't played in two years, but speed and strength is just something you have or don't have. Does he have rust? Certainly, but that can be shaken off. It's been done before.
And while I may not have been a huge Vick fan, he didn't blow at QB. No, he's not a drop back, beat you from the pocket QB. But he kicked your ass with his feet and found ways to win football games. His NFC Championship game and playoff wins speak a lot more than Romo's 0 playoff wins.
There is only truly one team that is 0% taking him and that is the Falcons. They're are the only team who will absolutely
NOT take him. Am I saying that the Vick will end up in Dallas? Absolutely not, because I think there are teams that would be more desperate for him. However, for you to say that there is a 0% percent chance,
absolutely no chance, he
could end up in Dallas is just absurd. And yes, I'm aware of Jones' statement, but owners always say one thing and do another and Jerry Jones is certainly not an exception.
I'm going purely on Jerry Jones' history and previous decisions and to say that Vick has a 0% chance is just ridiculous. I'm not saying that he'll end up there, but 0% logically doesn't make sense unless you're the Atlanta Falcons.
And big deal, I mixed up a score. It still doesn't excuse the fact that they were horrible. Brad Johnson and Brooks Bollinger still sucked ass, did they not? Exactly. That's the point I was making there.