I had like 2 paragraphs typed out in response, but you know what, fuck it, I am not going to jinx it. Don't do it Packer faithful. Let's all just drink our beers and cheer when the team wins, and let's not give anyone sig material or do anything that might even possibly give even the most deranged lunatics cause to think that we might be offending their Gods. I don't even capitalize the G in God most of the time, but just in case there is one, Listen buddy I didn't disrespect you, please don't fuck this up.
It's just too sweet to be a Green Bay fan right now, especially when i've dedicated more of my energy to the team than say, economic stability and an education. The Packers are everything to me.
Please don't fuck this up.
in fact, that's my answer if it was a poll option.
"Please don't fuck this up, please don't fuck this up...."
I'm going to be thinking this for the next 3 months. Tonight was sweet though, because that Minnesota team was a 4th down conversation from beating the Packers the first game. Ponder is going to be a very good quarterback, I have more faith in him being a 10 year starter than I do Stafford at this point.
'Scuse me while I go knock on wood, wear certain color combinations at certain times, continue to not shave my goatee, and generally speaking adhere to every retarded superstition my regularly over-caffinaited (fuck you red line, I give up on spelling that right) brain can come up with to keep this season going...