The PI that kept GB's scoring drive alive you can have. But the Rodgers first down was a good review and first down. GB got awful calls that helped them, but it still was very one sided in the Ref help dept. But doesn't your entire post support the fact that their is a significant difference between the replacement refs and the regular refs? Or is your position that the regular refs would make significant mistakes with the same frequency?
I didn't say the reviewed Rodgers play wasn't a first down. However, they didn't even measure it and it was incredibly close.
No. My post doesn't support that there is a significant difference between the two sets of refs. The regular refs make awful calls as well. If the replacement refs didn't slow down the game an immense amount, I would have zero issue with them. As Ralaw said in another thread, when it comes to procedural calls, the regular refs are no doubt better. When it comes to judgement calls, they are a wash.
IMO, procedural calls come with studying the game and game experience, you can't just pick it up in a couple week span. Not to mention the fact that the ENTIRE crew is all rookies and going through the same thing. When the regular refs are on the field you have a bunch of guys who have been doing it for 15+ years and can cover up/overrule mistakes made by rookie refs.
I know, I know. "I've been watching football since the 60's and you don't need a microscope to see there is a significant difference." Well, when the real refs come back and still screw up calls, then what? Refs will be refs and they will always screw up calls. Always.
And for the last time, I wanted the real refs back and am glad they are back. They are better than the replacement refs, no doubt. Significantly better? No. But from years of experience they know the rules much better than the replacement refs and keep the game flowing much, much better.