They need a real uptick in total eyes on the product to reach 1M...Asking 25% of your audience to pay $10/mo AND having the appropriate hardware to use said product is asking way too much.
The 1M thing isn't even a real thing and has sort of taken on a life of its own.
First, it was "we expect to average 1M subscribers per month in 2014". Then the goalpost was moved to "We expect to have 1M subscribers by the end of 2014".
But the fact of the matter is, Chris Harrington & Dave Meltzer crunched the numbers, and the
real break even (break even...not even profitable) due to revenue splits with ROKU, etc plus start up costs was really closer to 1.3 million. And now that Dish & DirecTV have stopped carrying PPV's, the new break even is 1.7 million based on estimated lost PPV revenue added to the pot.
Meltzer was saying that if InDemand drops the PPV's, that will effectively kill PPV for them for good, which will push the break even even higher. They were expecting a slow crawl to the elimination of PPV revenue. Instead, they're getting hit upside the head with a brick.
Even with the higher than expected 400k Mania PPV buys (which could end up settling lower, as the early estimates the last two years proved to be high and ended up adjusted down), they lost money on moving Mania to the Network. Yeah, they knew that would happen, but the break even on this thing keeps getting bigger - and the #1 selling point (by far) is in the rear view.
My gut tells me that people like Tyused who signed up for old content will not come back after the novelty wears off, and the modern product is not even close to being hot enough to get them to nearly 2M subs.
I'm not ready to call The Network a failure, because I figured it would be a crawl and not a sprint. But the 667k subs is looking worse and worse. They may have been 2-5 years too early rolling this out. Clearly it's the future, but the future isn't now.