The Arcade Random Thoughts Thread

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  • Twigg4075
    Kindergarten Cop
    • Feb 2009
    • 20056

    Originally posted by Maynard
    take your own advice. You disrupted an otherwise friendly discussion in the UC thread because you didnt like my opinion of the game. I know you own stock in these gaming companies so you have a vested interest in their success, but you dont have to get so angry over people disagreeing with you

    and i recommended the game to him based on the flow of the discussion. He asked for a ps3 game and that he was thinking of waiting until the show came out.....he doesnt like shooters. I suggested an rpg....he stated he liked rpgs. i said get fallout until the show arrives

    see there is an entire conversation taking place that you failed to read or follow and just abruptly enter your nonsense out of anger. and your gonna tell me to take happy pills...lmao
    Just me, eh? And it wasn't even about your opinion. You were spewing comments from your ass after only playing the game for two chapters. And, shocker, they were negative because it's A) A Sony exclusive and B) It's not MW2.

    The flow of the discussion? The man said he was buying a PS3 and wanted to know what game to get. So what do you do? You suggest a game to play on the 360, even though that game is also available on the PS3.

    Like Crimson said, just go back to your clan buddies on MW2. Everyone will be happy that way.

    And speaking of happy and bi-polar, does anyone remember when Maynard had his little pity party over his Xbox Friend's List? "Apparently people think I'm a douche so I'm deleting all my friends from my list to see who my true friends are. If you like me, and I mean really like me, send me a request so I can add you back." (paraphrased of course)



    • Maynard
      stupid ass titles
      • Feb 2009
      • 17875

      fail again. you dont seem to have any comprehension of what is being discussed. your not even worth arguing with. I have better luck with a retard. Go eat some more fired bread you barney fife looking m-fer

      Originally posted by Twigg4075

      The flow of the discussion? The man said he was buying a PS3 and wanted to know what game to get. So what do you do? You suggest a game to play on the 360, even though that game is also available on the PS3.
      Originally posted by Maynard
      man your just full of fail today. i was saying that idk if he already has a 360, and has already played fallout 3 on the 360....that if he hasnt, he may want to pick it up cheap and run thru it on the ps3 he is planning on buying.
      Originally posted by Twigg4075
      I'm Pathetic.
      Last edited by Maynard; 01-15-2010, 02:51 PM.


      • SethMode
        Master of Mysticism
        • Feb 2009
        • 5754

        Can't we all just talk about weird shit that we've seen people do while playing video games instead of this shit?


        • Maynard
          stupid ass titles
          • Feb 2009
          • 17875

          best post of the day seth.


          • DomePatrol
            Urdnot Style
            • Dec 2008
            • 1625

            Originally posted by SethMode
            Can't we all just talk about weird shit that we've seen people do while playing video games instead of this shit?
            My friend pissed on himself when the dog jumped through the window in the original resident evil. Does that count?


            • Sharkweather
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2009
              • 8906

              So say I was looking at buying 2 games today, and had 4 in mind. Fallout 3, Demon's Souls, Borderlands, Dragon Age: Origins.

              Which two would you buy? I'm thinking Fallout 3 and Demon's Souls.


              • killgod
                • Oct 2008
                • 4714

                When I was like 8, I got so pissed off at Mario Bros 2 i whipped the controller at the TV and took a small chip out of the screen.

                I thought my dad was gonna beat my ass, but he ended up sending me to my room.

                So he could beat my ass privately without my mom being able to stop it.


                • Buzzman
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 6659

                  On ps2 with Madden, I swear they purposley made the controllers weak so you'd break them easily. I sometimes threw the controller at the wall and it would shatter or I would screeze the controller so that it snapped in half and I literally broke 5 controllers in 1 week. Then once I got a 360 and PS3 I told ymself that these suckers arent cheap, and so now when i get mad I punch my knee or scream into my arm, and occasinoaly I get pissed and just shut the system off.


                  • SethMode
                    Master of Mysticism
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 5754

                    Originally posted by Hova
                    So say I was looking at buying 2 games today, and had 4 in mind. Fallout 3, Demon's Souls, Borderlands, Dragon Age: Origins.

                    Which two would you buy? I'm thinking Fallout 3 and Demon's Souls.
                    I'm not the best judge because I fucking hate Fallout 3 personally, but I would say Dragon Age and Demon's Souls.

                    Borderlands is great, but the replay value literally plummets through the floor after the first playthrough. I'd wait till it drops in price.


                    • SethMode
                      Master of Mysticism
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 5754

                      Originally posted by Buzzman
                      On ps2 with Madden, I swear they purposley made the controllers weak so you'd break them easily. I sometimes threw the controller at the wall and it would shatter or I would screeze the controller so that it snapped in half and I literally broke 5 controllers in 1 week. Then once I got a 360 and PS3 I told ymself that these suckers arent cheap, and so now when i get mad I punch my knee or scream into my arm, and occasinoaly I get pissed and just shut the system off.
                      In college I was playing NCAA...2004 I think, and I had this Hulk controller that I had bought for some ungodly reason. I, for the first and only time in my life, got the warranty for it. I distinctly remember getting mad, doing my usual "I'm about to throw the fucking controller but I then realize that I don't want to break it" thing and think to myself "Fuck it, I have the warranty" and I fucking took the thing out of the jack and swung it around into the walls like it was a weapon. It was like 5 years of pent up video game anger taken out. It was awesome.

                      Also, killgod, one time my other brother got pissed off at Contra so much that he ripped the controller out of the port and threw it at the wall so hard it stuck in the drywall. He got his ass beat BIG TIME for that one.


                      • Twigg4075
                        Kindergarten Cop
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 20056

                        Originally posted by Maynard
                        fail again. you dont seem to have any comprehension of what is being discussed. your not even worth arguing with. I have better luck with a retard. Go eat some more fired bread you barney fife looking m-fer
                        It's you're. I've noticed your grammar is horrendous. Who's the dumb one?

                        Fired bread? What's that? It sounds delicious.


                        • Buzzman
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 6659

                          On forums, spelling and grammer and not required. We're not in English class.


                          • JayDizzle
                            Let's Go All The Way...
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 14214

                            Both Maynard and Twigg are trolling each other... another facet of the VSN community.


                            • leaffan
                              Colton Orr Fan
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 11082

                              Probably should of posted this here instead of in the locker room but I'm around game 40 of my NHL franchise. I don't think I've ever made it this far in a franchise on NHL before mainly because I would get bored after the 5th game or so but NHL10's offline stuff is just money.

                              I honestly can't wait to see the improvements they make to it next year.

                              Leafs offseason training!


                              • Bomberooski
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 10474

                                I mentioned it earlier. THIS is why we need easy modes to games to waltz through. I wanted to beat Final Fantasy XII, stopped to fill my urge to beat Mass Effect, stopped to fill my urge to beat Borderlands, stopped to fill my urge to beat Call of Duty World at War, stopped to fill my urge to beat Dragon Age, about to stop to fill my urge to beat Demon Soul....

                                all within 2 months! I just can't keep up. I play about 4 hours of each game and then it goes away.
                                I give rep not thanks
                                My Audio Blog (Whoring)

