The Arcade Random Thoughts Thread

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  • JayDizzle
    Nearing 600 deaths, only beat Olmec once and I'm still playing Spelunky as regularly as I can.

    Before the unwashed masses spring for Ghost/Diamond runs, I currently hold the #4 PS3 Daily Challenge Run for 4/17/2014 at $209,925.

    Died in a Dark Level on 4-3 w/ one bomb and no ropes left... poor little guy only had a torch and a scorpion stinger in the eye for company before I ate it. :/

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  • SethMode
    I loved Vanquish. I beat it once on normal, and then fired it right back up for a hard run without dying. Somehow, I pulled that off. It's a Platinum game: insanely dumb story, great mechanics. Someday, I'll play it again, if only to get some of the weirder achievements or trophies.

    Vanquish = meh? NO THANK YOU SIR.

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  • Buzzman
    Vanquish = meh

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  • Twigg4075
    Vanquish is one of the many games in my pile of shame I need to get to.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk.

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  • SethMode
    Originally posted by ryne candy
    I have been meaning to continue my attempt at playing my PS+ games. I started off with a easy, quick game, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and finished it. I just started Vanquish and I think that first boss giant is one of the hardest 1st bosses I've ever played. So much stuff is happening that I ended up getting killed around the half way point. The game is so fast and non stop blinking lights, that I actually think this game could give seizures. I've played it 3x and each time, I stop playing, I'm actually tired and my heart seems to be racing. I have around 13-15 full box PS3 games I got through PS+ and just as many smaller (indie) games.
    Wow. It's a fairly challenging game, but if you're about ready to seize up and die, I'd probably just push Vanquish to the backburner, because it starts at insane and just goes up.

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  • ryne candy
    I have been meaning to continue my attempt at playing my PS+ games. I started off with a easy, quick game, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and finished it. I just started Vanquish and I think that first boss giant is one of the hardest 1st bosses I've ever played. So much stuff is happening that I ended up getting killed around the half way point. The game is so fast and non stop blinking lights, that I actually think this game could give seizures. I've played it 3x and each time, I stop playing, I'm actually tired and my heart seems to be racing. I have around 13-15 full box PS3 games I got through PS+ and just as many smaller (indie) games.

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  • j.hen
    I'm really digging Metal Gear Rising thus far. It's definitely more challenging than what I expected. My roommate was watching me play and he beat it back when it first came out. He's never played the other Metal Gear games and I had to explain why I was laughing at certain parts because he didn't pick up on the references when he played it. It's definitely a game trying to stand on it's own but the subtle references are certainly welcome.

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  • JayDizzle
    Originally posted by padman59
    Blood Dragon had enough 80s action movie nostalgia and humor to keep me entertained. FC3 hasn't been near as fun for me.
    Can't beat the co-star of such action hits as...


    The Abyss...



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  • Maynard
    decided to give guild wars 2 another run

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  • Maynard
    wolf among us glitch - minor spoiler perhaps?

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  • padman59
    Originally posted by Maynard
    this is how i felt when the expansion came out. sure its a different enviroment, but its still the exact same gameplay. it was fun during FC3, but wore on me towards the end
    Blood Dragon had enough 80s action movie nostalgia and humor to keep me entertained. FC3 hasn't been near as fun for me.

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  • Bomberooski
    All in on Final Fantasy XIV on PS4.

    Also, put College Hoops 2k8 in the 360 and it is still awesome

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  • Maynard
    Originally posted by padman59
    So I've been playing Far Cry 3 to fill the time before Dark Souls 2 comes out on PC in a couple of weeks. Game looks good, but I might be losing interest in it. The exploration was cool for a bit, but hunting and outpost clearing are getting menial and repetitive. The story doesn't grab me at all either even though Vaas is a cool character. I'm gonna start focusing on the story missions, and hopefully, it'll pick up some slack.
    this is how i felt when the expansion came out. sure its a different enviroment, but its still the exact same gameplay. it was fun during FC3, but wore on me towards the end

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  • padman59
    So I've been playing Far Cry 3 to fill the time before Dark Souls 2 comes out on PC in a couple of weeks. Game looks good, but I might be losing interest in it. The exploration was cool for a bit, but hunting and outpost clearing are getting menial and repetitive. The story doesn't grab me at all either even though Vaas is a cool character. I'm gonna start focusing on the story missions, and hopefully, it'll pick up some slack.

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  • j.hen
    Finishing up MGS4 now, bring on that 71 minute cutscene!

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