The Arcade Random Thoughts Thread
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However, I did suffer through the problems and got through the Dead Money and Honest Hearts DLC. Both were solid, but from what I've read, Old World Blues is probably the best. Lonesome Road is also supposed to have a lot of backstory for your character.Comment
Padman, can I get your thoughts on Cities XL? I see you and Goud are the only ones on my FL with it. I was tempted about 3 times during the summer sale to buy it, and here it is on sale again.Comment
I got it in a Humble Bundle a couple of months ago, but I haven't played it yet.Comment
Did anyone ever pick up NASCAR The Game: 2013? If so, was wondering how the historical moments play was. Was it just singular moments, or the ability to play past seasons/entire races?
For that matter, anyone know of any NASCAR game that has let you play out historical seasons with older cars and such?Comment