The Arcade Random Thoughts Thread
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I was impressed with it as well. Very underrated.Comment
how far did you get into it before you decided it was an ok game? i did not get very far at all when i decided the game was shit. the fact that i dl the torrent and didnt pay anything allowed me to jump to that conclusion rather quickly....had i spent money i probably would have given it more timeComment
how far did you get into it before you decided it was an ok game? i did not get very far at all when i decided the game was shit. the fact that i dl the torrent and didnt pay anything allowed me to jump to that conclusion rather quickly....had i spent money i probably would have given it more time
It's another shooter to add to the pile, that's for sure.
The added touches of floating descriptors above objects was pretty neat (the TV being tagged as "Opiate of the Masses" was a nice touch) and the addition of the slide mechanic when dodging for cover was cool as well (like you're sliding into Home).
I do feel that the added features of augmented heat vision and special chip hacking powers made me want to use them more than an actual gun though...
Not that the guns were awful either, especially the gun they ripped off of The Fifth Element that shoots around obstacles as long as you have a lock.
It's definitely worth a rental at least.Comment
I put in Capcom Classics in my PS3 last nite....I played Gunsmoke, Forgotton Worlds, Super Ghouls and Ghosts, and Final fight............................................. ....I COULD NOT GET PAST THE FIRST FUCKING STAGE IN ANY GAME. FUCK!
I fucking love how the vita version of MvC is $40 and the PS3 and Xbox version is $30............WTF?Comment
I can't decide if I like Rage or not. I feel like for everything I like about it, I find something that I dislike about it, yet I feel compelled to keep playing and am actually someone into the story (which is fucking shocking for an id game).Comment