Xbox Live increasing $10 per year

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  • jms493
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2009
    • 11248

    Basically what you can is buy 2 years worth of XBOX live now and add to your current subscription and you wont have to pay the extra $20 over the next 2 little money when u think about it.


    • Senators26
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2010
      • 1130

      Meh. Not really much of a difference between 50 and 60 dollars per year.


      • killgod
        • Oct 2008
        • 4714

        Originally posted by Twigg4075
        Sloopydrew 10:06 PM
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        To think I let my Gold sub expire because it was already way, way too expensive at $50. And I only paid $35 through an online site (deal's no longer there). If they offered more stuff like 1 vs. 100, rather than taking away 1 vs. 100, I could see a $19.99 annual charge. But anything above $20 for a service that absolutely should be free is completely batshit insane. Reply

        Another great point. Whatever happened to the huge plans of all those great community games coming to Xbox Live? There was one, 1 vs 100, and that has even went the way of the dodo.

        Yet another promise by MS that never went anywhere. Does anyone remember the original plan of achievement points? You were supposed to be able to use them to BUY actual content. LOL. Now you actually have to pay money for stupid fucking avatar clothing and background themes.
        Why is that even relevant to a grown ass man?

        How in the fuck does "background themes" and "avatar clothes" make your games even more fun?

        Do you play Xbox to play GAMES or to dress up some virtual dickhead and put him in pretty scenery?


        • FedEx227
          • Mar 2009
          • 10454

          Originally posted by Senators26
          Meh. Not really much of a difference between 50 and 60 dollars per year.


          • ryne candy
            Aggie C/O '01
            • Feb 2009
            • 4355

            Originally posted by cpollack09
            With silver u can't play online with friends.

            Going have to pony wife likes watching Netflix on the 360. There have been several weekdays that we end up putting a movie to stream from our computer and watch it on the television. I never have bought a year subscription for more than $40, since there is always a sale before mine expires (Dec 2011).

            edit: Guess I'll order from Walmart and at least get 1, if not 2 more.


            • Senators26
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2010
              • 1130

              Originally posted by Twigg4075
              Sloopydrew 10:06 PM
              sending request
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              To think I let my Gold sub expire because it was already way, way too expensive at $50. And I only paid $35 through an online site (deal's no longer there). If they offered more stuff like 1 vs. 100, rather than taking away 1 vs. 100, I could see a $19.99 annual charge. But anything above $20 for a service that absolutely should be free is completely batshit insane. Reply

              Another great point. Whatever happened to the huge plans of all those great community games coming to Xbox Live? There was one, 1 vs 100, and that has even went the way of the dodo.

              Yet another promise by MS that never went anywhere. Does anyone remember the original plan of achievement points? You were supposed to be able to use them to BUY actual content. LOL. Now you actually have to pay money for stupid fucking avatar clothing and background themes.
              Who says you HAVE to buy them? Does Bill Gates go to your house and hold a gun up to your heard until you buy a shirt?


              • Miami Flash15
                The Jets Suck
                • Jul 2009
                • 8696

                $10 over the course of a year is less than a dollar extra a month. How often do you actually even pay $50 for a 1-year membership? There are deals and offers everywhere that you can get it for $30-40. It's not that big of a deal. Most of us can find that $1/month lying around the house.


                • Twigg4075
                  Kindergarten Cop
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 20056

                  Originally posted by BigBucs
                  If you could find a way to get free XBox live would you do it?
                  That was legal?


                  • Twigg4075
                    Kindergarten Cop
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 20056

                    Originally posted by killgod
                    Why is that even relevant to a grown ass man?

                    How in the fuck does "background themes" and "avatar clothes" make your games even more fun?

                    Do you play Xbox to play GAMES or to dress up some virtual dickhead and put him in pretty scenery?
                    Originally posted by Senators26
                    Who says you HAVE to buy them? Does Bill Gates go to your house and hold a gun up to your heard until you buy a shirt?
                    You're both missing my point. Have I ever and will I ever pay for themes or avatar items? Fuck no. The point is that little things like that should be included in the fucking $60 you pay for a game but instead M$ wants to nickel and dime you for every thing they can. What kind of customer service is that. Don't they know that they would actually gain more customers by actually throwing them a bone once in a while instead of fucking them in the ass constantly? And yes, $ony is just as bad charging for stupid bullshit in Home. But at least you can download TONS of free themes and shit for your PS3.

                    I also laugh at everyone that says "It's just another $10." At what point is it not "just XX more dollars?" You do realize that M$ is the only gaming company charging for online access right now? They set a precedent, a bad one, and they are making it worse by the day. How about you subsidize some of that cost with all those fucking ads that slap me in the face every time I turn on my fucking console?!? That's one thing they were talking about on the CAGcast the other day. All three were saying while they think PSN is great they still prefer Live but they can't for the life of themselves understand why they are paying money for a service that is totally inundated with ads.


                    • jms493
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 11248

                      Yeah I mean pick up 2 $40 cards and over 24 months you are paying $3.33 a month. SO in essence it really isn't a problem.....until those cards sell out.


                      • FedEx227
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 10454

                        Originally posted by Twigg4075
                        You're both missing my point. Have I ever and will I ever pay for themes or avatar items? Fuck no. The point is that little things like that should be included in the fucking $60 you pay for a game but instead M$ wants to nickel and dime you for every thing they can. What kind of customer service is that. And yes, $ony is just as bad charging for stupid bullshit in Home. But at least you can download TONS of free themes and shit for your PS3.

                        I also laugh at everyone that says "It's just another $10." At what point is it not "just XX more dollars?" You do realize that M$ is the only gaming company charging for online access right now? They set a precedent, a bad one, and they are making it worse by the day. How about you subsidize some of that cost with all those fucking ads that slap me in the face every time I turn on my fucking console?!? That's one thing they were talking about on the CAGcast the other day. All three were saying while they think PSN is great they still prefer Live but they can't for the life of themselves understand why they are paying money for a service that is totally inundated with ads.
                        Probably the same reason you pay for cable TV and have ads. Companies enjoy making money.


                        • killgod
                          OHHHH WHEN THE REDSSSSS
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 4714

                          Originally posted by Twigg4075
                          You're both missing my point. Have I ever and will I ever pay for themes or avatar items? Fuck no. The point is that little things like that should be included in the fucking $60 you pay for a game but instead M$ wants to nickel and dime you for every thing they can. What kind of customer service is that. And yes, $ony is just as bad charging for stupid bullshit in Home. But at least you can download TONS of free themes and shit for your PS3.

                          I also laugh at everyone that says "It's just another $10." At what point is it not "just XX more dollars?" You do realize that M$ is the only gaming company charging for online access right now? They set a precedent, a bad one, and they are making it worse by the day. How about you subsidize some of that cost with all those fucking ads that slap me in the face every time I turn on my fucking console?!? That's one thing they were talking about on the CAGcast the other day. All three were saying while they think PSN is great they still prefer Live but they can't for the life of themselves understand why they are paying money for a service that is totally inundated with ads.
                          You're missing my point.

                          Don't play Xbox Live anymore if it's not worth it to you.

                          MS is not the only company charging for online content, Blizzard says "what up pimp"

                          MS didn't set the precedent, MMORPG's did.

                          I find XBL to be worth 50 bucks and still worth it at 60 bucks. You don't, so don't buy it. Or continue to complain about it for no good fucking reason. Just cause YOU don't think it's worth it, doesn't make it a fucking rip off.

                          I think PSN sucks. Flat out sucks. It has chat issues from game to game, more lag than I find on XBL, basic functionality compared to some things XBL offers and overall isn't as good IMO. That's why it's free and that's why it's premium service with all the XBL style features is GOING TO COST MONEY.



                          • FedEx227
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 10454

                            Yeah, it's pretty much a free market. If you don't feel XBL is worth $60 don't pay it. It's simple as that. Nothing Microsoft is doing is out of the realm of capitalist business.

                            I will gladly pay $60 for it because I feel like I'm getting a decent service for my money. If I ever felt I wasn't... I'd simply stop paying for it.


                            • killgod
                              OHHHH WHEN THE REDSSSSS
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 4714

                              Originally posted by FedEx227
                              Yeah, it's pretty much a free market. If you don't feel XBL is worth $60 don't pay it. It's simple as that. Nothing Microsoft is doing is out of the realm of capitalist business.

                              I will gladly pay $60 for it because I feel like I'm getting a decent service for my money. If I ever felt I wasn't... I'd simply stop paying for it.

                              What I find funniest about Twigg ranting over this, is that he's a grown man with a career. What's it take, 2...3 hours of work to accumlate 365 days of live?

                              I mean, I spent 4 hours on VSN today already, so theoretically I've already paid off my next two years of Live in that process. lol.


                              • jms493
                                Junior Member
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 11248

                                Originally posted by killgod
                                I find XBL to be worth 50 bucks and still worth it at 60 bucks. You don't, so don't buy it. Or continue to complain about it for no good fucking reason. Just cause YOU don't think it's worth it, doesn't make it a fucking rip off.


