PS3 v. 360
I did this same switch in March. My xbox live just ran out and the show just came out.
I thought there isnt a game on the 360 that I play that isnt on the Ps3. So the free online and The Show made me switch.
I did it at Gamestop and I think I traded in about 15 games, 2 controllers, and my 12GB Xbox 360 and only had to pay 40 for a new Ps3 Slim and The Show.
The only thing I see better is the Xbox dashboard is a lot better and most of my friends played xbox. I don't online game at all except for what you said, patches and rosters, so that wasn't a big deal.
Good luck.Comment
Gonna see if I can find someone so I can demo it.
Long story short I was considering a new Archos android tablet. HDMI out and voice to text means I can drastically cut down on my typing and mouse usage.
I would like a BR player also.
If PS3 browser is capable and I can enjoy reading and HD youtube/flash videos than I may just go that route.
Ill assume I cant use the move controller for navigating Netflix/BR menus ?Best reason to have a license.
Gonna see if I can find someone so I can demo it.
Long story short I was considering a new Archos android tablet. HDMI out and voice to text means I can drastically cut down on my typing and mouse usage.
I would like a BR player also.
If PS3 browser is capable and I can enjoy reading and HD youtube/flash videos than I may just go that route.
Ill assume I cant use the move controller for navigating Netflix/BR menus ?
I don't know about the move controller for menus and what not though.Comment
A tablet and seperate BR would be about 100-150$ more. Have to see how it weighs out.Best reason to have a license.
Dude, wtf are you talking about? First of all, I can see everything just fine zoomed out. And even if I couldn't it takes literally one press of a button to zoom in. You make it sound as if it's very inconvenient to enlarge the text, when in actuality it's super easy. And it's way better than the Wii browser, which isn't even worth using, IMO.Comment
its totally inconvenient and a pain in the ass to try in zoom in and out while reading. and thats the only way to read the text. of course you can "see" everything. but unless u zoom in u cant read it. And by comparison, its the same turd pile setup as the wii.Comment
damn, how much did that set you back?
as for the debate, ps3 internet isnt a big deal, i'm happy with my laptop
as for media, PS3 has blu ray, both have Netflix, mostly because of my old tv, i dont have many blu ray movies, but if i get a new tv soon, i can see getting a few more
i'm not really into exclusive gaming, other then like inFamous, i play games that can be played on both, but until recently, never saw a reason to get a 360 to go with my ps3, mostly because of friends and family that do have 360, and i dont like having to go to their houses to play themComment
I have no problems zooming in and out for web sitesComment
Bringing up the Wii makes me laugh a bit. Not because the Wii is horrible but because it has an internet browser and the 360 doesn't. Pretty sad when you think about it. And it also has a disc loader and not some bullshit disc tray, which I still can't believe MS didn't change when they made the Slim model.Comment