Mass Effect 3
Sadly, it isn't the same bitch. Swarley is referring to the Chobitch...whom I also want to punch in the mouth but have not been offered the opportunity yet.
That being said about the reporter C-U-Next-Tuesday:
The reporter bitch in my current story doesn't come across NEARLY as awful as she did.Comment
So... much... to do...
"Why yes, Councilor Ass-For-A-Face, I'll gladly grab this ancient book for you.
"In exchange for your support and arms, I'm HAPPY to...
"What's this? Only 5 points towards my War Assets; after be chased by giant metallic space cuttlefish that sound like the soundtrack from 'Inception?!'
I'm at the point where I'm over rushing through the game because 'Earth is Burning.'
So far, the Alliance, STG, Spectres, Blue Suns, Eclipse, Blood Pack, Ex-Cerebus, some Krogan, and some Salarians all want to help me.
Also, aside from the permanent cast you pick up, I now have Jack, Kahlee Sanders (chick Anderson is fucking in the novels), Kasumi, Grunt, David (from Overlord) and some others.
12 hours in and I haven't done shit yet aside from gaining 10 levels and buying ship models/fish
Also, the DLC crewmate is... interesting but Garrus, myself and (insert guest crewmate here) are my main squad.
Freddie Roids Jr. is worth a mission or two to have him tag along, at least for commentary.Comment
Addendum: It feels weird that my ImportShep comes in at Level 30 with 35,000 credits to their name.
That and being and Adept with AR spec'd = EZ Mode on 'Normal.'
All Garrus needs to do is cast Overload and if Liara's around, I'm casting Double Warps/Warp Bombs if I remember to cast Singularity.
My Vindicator V (plus attachments) has reached semi-Jessie status ALREADY when I'm not casting Throw on fools.
It's gonna suck when I import my Soldier save and just shoot things.Comment
Garrus and Javik should be your friends throughout.Comment
Liara's constant gushing over Javik earns his spot on the Normandy for comedy reasons thus far for me though.Comment
But seriously, I love this game and all of the characters, including Mr. Vega.Comment
Similar to when I found out Michael Jordan was actually a terrible person.Comment
Damn I missed out on Jack and the dude from Overlord.... Definitely will have to do that mission right away next go-around. I think I killed Jack in my play through, cerberus was controlling her. About done with this first run though, I'm in the process of attacking the reapers already.Comment
I think Swarley Shepard may need to take a stroll down to the engineering deck and see about this new reporter that's on board.
in and around her mouth - YouTube
I'm like level 40 and I only have 4 crewmembers. Where do you get more? Not that anyone will move in on my Liara/Garrus love affair...but, you know...Comment
One extra dude, a laser rifle and a mission for $10.
Other than that, flavor for the game that isn't necessary but is welcome if you have the scratch.
I will admit that it is better than the Zaeed and Kasumi missions as far as DLC with added crewmates is concerned.
Could be worse.
You could have to pay for ship/weapon/personal armor upgrades in SP with real money or risk having a bad ending in this game.Comment