MLB 11: The Show First Look
Everything was available online last year, too. But both users were locked into the same settings. For example, you could use classic baserunning or classic pitching, but then both players had to use it. My fear is this will not change. Hopefully one player can use analog if they choose, and the opponent can use the buttons.Comment
Id prefer to wait until well after release, when the buzz dies off and only the hardcores are still playing. This way you have less dropouts.Comment
I don't care about 360 controllers but I've been hooked on PS controllers since the PS2. I already have every color, except for Pink on the PS3 and will probably get this one (releasing around The Show's release).
W2B... we know who will and won't stick around, shit I was horrible at the game and still enjoy it up to this day (played yesterday for a while)I say 12 team MAX for a league. After the first season is complete than take on the other guys that you aren't so sure about if they are still playing.
Also I'd really like to see an actual online franchise type deal instead of just a play games league. That will keep people around the idea of continuing to make their team better etc, and then even if a few drop out it wouldn't completely cripple the league, there would still be plenty to do.Comment
I'm down for the league every year but it never fails that when the league starts I get too busy with work to even have time. Not to mention the online makes me want to punch someone, I'll buy if they get that worked out. Actually I'll buy it anyways, but I hope they get online worked out.Comment
this game is in desperate need of analog pitching. i like the face buttons for hitting and fielding, but without analog pitching it just gets too easy. analog will make the user be able to determine his worth on the mound by forcing you to be accurate with the stick or suffer a loss of control. With buttons, its all about the slider setting to determine control. That meter doesnt seem to have any say in the type of control you would have.
i just hope they allow the player the option to choose default or analog for each area of the game....separate options for Hitting, Pitching and Fielding are a must. i dont want to be forced to use analog fielding because i want analog pitching
The biggest change to the game comes with the addition of pure analog control. That's right, buttons are about as hip these days as players wearing stirrups, so Sony has finally changed the control scheme for hitting, pitching and throwing to be all analog-based (although if you want to play old-school and use buttons, you can still find last year's controls in the options menu).Comment
Canadian lag FTW.
This first look made my dick move, I don't know why the hate for analog controls from some of you guys!
The sticks reinvented how NHL, PGA and I believe NBA is played on the consoles, why not MLB? All those games were made much better with the sticks as the primary control!
I'm confident SCEA can do this well. Not that I found the controls to suck, I'm just not a fan of "normal swing" and "power swing" as separate buttons. I think new controls might turn the online game into less of a HR fest and more about clutch hitting for success.
Also, I seriously upgraded my internet just this month to 25 down/7 up (not that it was poor before when it comes to gaming 7 down/1 up, but now it's much improved) so lag from my end shouldn't exist at all, it's all on the game.
I'm 100% in for a league, and helping run it too. Just need to wait for more detailed information on the online mode, but it sounds like it's something we can make good use of. Simulating and resetting games is HUGE!
Sounds like we can have a 30 team league (if we wanted) with some CPU some Human, which is cool in this game because the CPU is actually worth playing unlike EA Sports games.
Never had as much fun in an online league than what I had with The Show 09, so hopefully we can get something going this year better than last. If we use the in game mode and setup an AIM blast group to start, we can avoid using a forum entirely so we're not subject to any drama.Comment
Then again 2K basically took Skate's control scheme and applied it to baseball.Comment