Upcoming Marvel Superhero Movies

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  • tigstah
    Mr. Casual Gamer
    • Mar 2009
    • 2406

    Originally posted by JBregz
    Am I the only one that loved Spiderman 2?
    i wouldnt say the only one.....
    i didnt like it, i didnt like the amazing spiderman 1 either....


    • j.hen
      Self Care
      • Oct 2008
      • 10058

      Seeing ASM 2 nowish. I'm in the theater and properly stoned so I'm sure this shall be glorious.


      • CCBrink
        Awkward Swag
        • May 2009
        • 4261

        I enjoyed ASM 2, but it was disappointing. Not Spiderman 3 disappointing tho. Like Spiderman 3, way too much was shown in the trailers so there weren't really any surprises. Something simple like keeping the Sinister Six gear a secret would probably have blown a lot of fans away. They should have taken some of the time spent on the Peter/Gwen romance and gave the villains a little more character development. I was worried that having 3 villains would cause the movie to feel crowded, but that wasn't the case considering there was only one "big bad" and the others got minimal screen time.

        Emma Stone


        • Golden Taters
          RIP West
          • Jul 2009
          • 6640

          I really like the new Spiderman actor a lot better than Toby McGwire. The movie didn't blow me away, but it was still enjoyable. I felt like the ending of the movie was rushed with how they threw a lot of different villains in at the end, it just didn't make the movie flow well. Not a must watch, I enjoyed the first one better, still good but...eh.


          • j.hen
            Self Care
            • Oct 2008
            • 10058

            I thought it was stupendous and miles ahead of the 1st one. I'd even say it rivaled Cap'n 2 for best super hero flick of the year. I looked at RT and it's sitting at a 54% right now. I honestly couldn't disagree more. The feels in this movie were ridiculous!

            I literally put my hand over my mouth in suspense at one point. Who does that in their actual lives? As soon as I saw Goblin swoop in with Gwen right there I knew exactly what was coming. The entire time she was falling in all that slow mo... There it was. The single greatest comic book death ever.


            • j.hen
              Self Care
              • Oct 2008
              • 10058

              Also Electro's theme was so badass. I loved how it crept in whenever Jamie Foxx would be on screen and then when it crescendoed later in the movie it was pretty much city

              Hans Zimmer ftw
              Last edited by j.hen; 05-04-2014, 11:38 PM.


              • tigstah
                Mr. Casual Gamer
                • Mar 2009
                • 2406

                the movie didn't live up to the hype.
                rhino at the end of the freaking movie. wth


                • Palooza
                  Au Revoir, Shoshanna
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 14265

                  Originally posted by tigstah
                  the movie didn't live up to the hype.
                  wat hype?

                  No sane person could have thought this was going to be good.


                  • Palooza
                    Au Revoir, Shoshanna
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 14265

                    Originally posted by j.hen
                    I thought it was stupendous and miles ahead of the 1st one. I'd even say it rivaled Cap'n 2 for best super hero flick of the year.
                    Oh ya? What do you think was the 3rd best?


                    • j.hen
                      Self Care
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 10058

                      Originally posted by Palooza
                      Oh ya? What do you think was the 3rd best?
                      Does there have to be a third one..? I expect that I'll like Guardians of the Galaxy more than either of these just because I'm personally really stoked for it. Saying ASM2 rivals Winter Solider (which sits at 89% on RT at the moment) is just me saying that ASM2 was a great flick. Have you even seen it or are you just jumping on the hate wagon for no reason?


                      • Buzzman
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 6659

                        Things I didnt like about this movie.

                        This is easily the worst part of the movie. They have three villains of course. More like 2 since Rhino is a non factor and technically speaking, they barely have 1. They are all so rushed and handled so poorly. Let’s start with Jamie Foxx as Max. Pre-transformation this is one of the dumbest characters on screen in a movie. His comb over hair and getup just screamed over doing it. You’re telling me not a single person remembered his name or was ever nice to him? Is every human in the world just rude? Not even getting into coincidences that the only two people nice to him just happen to be a couple as well. So bad. Then the scene where he becomes Electro is so poorly executed as everybody goes home and when a major electrical problem occurs they just say meh, let’s send this guy Max since it’s his birthday and we are all assholes. Then said genius who designed this new electrical grid decides it’s a good idea to just climb on a rail and plug it in himself. Pure genius right there. Then as Electro, his motivations behind turning on Spiderman are so weak. It takes him 5 seconds to go from loving to hate him. There was no depth there. Add in that horrible score that was his inner monologue and you have made quite possible the worst Villian since the 90 Batman films. I know they don’t want to go all Watchmen on us and show dong, but where the hell did he get his black jumpsuit with his own Electro symbols on his shoulders? Did it just come out of thin air? His battle with Spiderman was also incredibly boring. Shoot electricity. Rinse and Repeat. Defeated because he absorbs too much of it. Pffft. He also was only in the movie for about a total of 25 mins.

                        This one is really easy to explain. Nobody liked him. Paul decided to have fun with the role and just go so over the top bad. He literally screams out I am the rhino in whats one of the campiest Russian accents ever. They should have had his major scene just take place after the credits.

                        Harry Osbourne but more so Green Goblin
                        This character should’ve been introduced in the first film or never transformed into Goblin here. That simple. They rushed the development and the end product was a mess. Dane DeHann wasn’t as bad as I thought he was going to be, but its written and setup so poorly. We quickly learn from his Norman Osbourne, a blink and you’ll miss it cameo, that Harry is dying. Why should I care? I don’t know this character. Then we get an interaction between Peter and Harry that comes off so unintentionally homosexual. They are pining into each others eyes, nervous feet and hand gestures, sunlight just beating down Harrys face. It had the right idea but was executed bad. This scene basically summarizes that they were best buds 10 years ago and now that we want Green Goblin in this film, here I am, back again wanting to be best buds again so that when I kill Gwen Stacey, it’ll be more emotional. His team up with Electro is overblown, lasting about 3 mins long before Harry runs off to become the Green Goblin and Electro goes to kill Spiderman. Again, the motivation behind destroying Spiderman is he didn’t help me, so therefore he has to die. The people in this movie are all just evil. So Harry becomes Goblin, masters the controls of the glider and its weapons off screen in a matter of seconds and attacks Spiderman, kills Gwen Stacey, gets locked up, and starts to form the Sinister Six. JIZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. This is so bad because this isn’t the whole movie, this is just a 3rd of it.

                        The dialogue/situational humor
                        This movie tried so hard to be comic booky. That would have been fine if the entire first movie went against that was all dark and moody. The movie opens up with Peter Parker in full on Spiderman mode. Hes battling the Rhino pre-transformation and instead of just stopping the truck and defeating him, he decides to mess around with him and make witty remarks about him. While hes doing this, Rhino just plows this truck through other cars across the city. No doubt killing them. They even cut to angles of the cars exploding as he goes through them. Way to let them die so you can have fun Spidey. Another time is when Electro first pops up and Spiderman comes in to save the day, the people of New York don’t run away and fear for thierlife, they just chant Spidey! Spidey! as they watch a dude with electrical powers blowing over cop cars and fighting Spiderman. The crowd is so bad in this movie. Even there at the end when the Rhino is shooting a machine gun at cop cars trying to kill them, the crowd is on the sidewalk just watching this battle ensue. But no worries because the cops are blocking them off from going into the street but forget about a little kid and watch as he stands up to the Rhino. Good thing the Rhino has morals tho because he goes from trying to kill cops to stopping so the real Spiderman can talk to this kid and get his groove back. SMASH MY HEAD ON A BRICK WALL. This was actually written, shot, and approved by real people.
                        Felicty Jones and Dane DeHann have my two favorite lines of the entire movie tho. Harry needs the spider venom that turned Peter into Spiderman so that he can try and save himself. The only problem is that they destroyed all the spiders. BUT WAIT! Felicity Jones in her only speaking scene of the movie tells Harry, “I overheard them say they destroyed the spiders but in a loophole, they kept some venom. ITS LOCATION IS IN THE FOLDER NAMED THE SECRET PROJECTS FOLDER!” Really? Why the fuck didn’t Harry check the secret projects folder to become with. I turned to my friend and was like did she really just say that? This was an actual line of dialogue in the movie. The other great line comes from harry himself. After getting fired from Oscorp, security guards are dragging him out of the office when all of a sudden he screams WAIT! And the camera slowly pans and does a close up on his face and he almost whispers aloud “I know the way out” Somebody saw this and was like GOLD! Were done shooting for the day. Great work.

                        Gwen Stacey
                        WHAT GWEN STACEY WAS THE BEST PART!!Even people who didn’t like it liked her. Yea, but why? She sucked. The entire relationship between Parker and Stacey was a rinse and repeat conversation of I want to be with you, but I can’t. I made a promise. It was so repetitive. I really enjoyed this aspect of that first one but why did they mae the terrible choice of not having them together for the sequel? Then when they finally say fuck it, I love you, were going to be together. We are going to make it work in London. Lets kill her!!!! But my favorite part of it all was that she never should have been at that power plant to being with. Some say they like her because she isn’t a damsel in distress and actually helps Peter but her reasoning behind coming to the power plant to defeat electro was so funny. She screams at Peter that she knows how to reset the power grid and that’s the only way to defeat. A woman who studies genes just happens to know how to work a control panel controlling the cities power? I don’t buy it, but that’s not the funny part. When she arrives and goes to shut down the the grid, theres a giant button that says GRID RESET that you press. O! THAT’S HOW YOU KNEW HOW TO RESET IT. Anyonce over the age of 3 could’ve done it as well.

                        I had plenty of problems with the movie and these are just one of very many that felt like talking about. You may say something generic like I over thought it and I need to shut off my mind, but that’s the thing, all of these problems popped into my head as they opened. It was basic surface level material that was awful. This movie was terrible. I like the character SPdierman so I cannot ever hate it, but a lesser hero in the same situation wouldn’t be so kind.


                        • KINGOFOOTBALL
                          Junior Member
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 10343

                          I really enjoyed AS2. The parents backstory is a little wonky to me but Spiderman is perfectly played by Andrew Garfield. I thought he was missing something in the first but he nailed it this time around. Some of the reviews dont make sense. Why are people expecting Nolan like hyper realism in every superhero movie its annoying.
                          Best reason to have a license.


                          • Palooza
                            Au Revoir, Shoshanna
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 14265

                            The Amazing Spider-man 2 was HANDS DOWN the second best superhero movie of the year thus far. HANDS DOWN.


                            • Palooza
                              Au Revoir, Shoshanna
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 14265

                              Originally posted by j.hen
                              Does there have to be a third one..? I expect that I'll like Guardians of the Galaxy more than either of these just because I'm personally really stoked for it. Saying ASM2 rivals Winter Solider (which sits at 89% on RT at the moment) is just me saying that ASM2 was a great flick. Have you even seen it or are you just jumping on the hate wagon for no reason?
                              You can read my review this time next year. Until then, know that I gave the first an F.


                              • Villain
                                • May 2011
                                • 7768

                                ITT j.hen groans people who didn't like something he liked.

