The greatest WR of all time?

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  • davie
    Hey, relax guy!
    • Oct 2008
    • 2198

    Originally posted by Hasselbeck
    Jerry Rice with Don Hutson a VERY distant 2nd. Even then I think that's highly debateable

    Unless you're an idiot like Peter King or ram29jackson.. this is a no brainer.
    I disagree, ram29jackson doesn't seem to have a brain and he doesn't get it.


    • Fox1994
      Posts too much
      • Dec 2008
      • 5327

      Originally posted by ram29jackson
      off topic - you're now iggy'd because you haven't matured over a long period of time to understand the multidimensional meanings in my posts.
      lol. Multidimensional meaning? Alright Neo.


      • dell71
        Enter Sandman
        • Mar 2009
        • 23919

        Originally posted by ram29jackson
        mm, lets see.. Art Monk and James Lofton Are in the Hall nullifying the majority of youre comment.

        One dimensional ? Jerry caught 5 yard ins and outs and than ran forward. Thats pretty one dimensional haha. Was Jerry great ? Sure ! But he was just in the right place at the right time compared to his peers.

        People like Jim Brown and Don Hutson were leaps and bounds ahead of their peers in the eras they played. Jerry's just the present ultimate stat leader because a juggernaut team helped him get there. Not because of great individual talent.......haha, just time killer bull, I still in some capacity believe half of what I said though haha
        Spoken like someone who's never seen Jerry Rice play. Trust me, he was leaps and bounds better than any receiver of his era. In fact, it's arguable the gap between him and the next best receiver of his era is as big as any player at any position has enjoyed in the history of the game.

        Originally posted by ram29jackson
        Another fool who doesnt understand history or the reality of humanity.

        Jerry was just the best stat leader of his era. Hutson was the ultimate king of his era. And of course Peter King is much smarter than you about football from the inside and instead of complaining you need to accept it.
        You misunderstand the nature of the argument. By and large saying someone is the greatest ever at something, at least in sports terms, is saying that when stacked against their peers they were more dominant than any other player against theirs. For instance, in basketball damn near every point guard in the NBA and Div. 1 college could run circles around Bob Cousy in his prime. Yet very few can be considered greater than Coos because of how Coos stacked up to his peers. Get it?


        • ram29jackson
          • Nov 2008
          • 0

          Originally posted by dell71
          Spoken like someone who's never seen Jerry Rice play. Trust me, he was leaps and bounds better than any receiver of his era. In fact, it's arguable the gap between him and the next best receiver of his era is as big as any player at any position has enjoyed in the history of the game.

          You misunderstand the nature of the argument. By and large saying someone is the greatest ever at something, at least in sports terms, is saying that when stacked against their peers they were more dominant than any other player against theirs. For instance, in basketball damn near every point guard in the NBA and Div. 1 college could run circles around Bob Cousy in his prime. Yet very few can be considered greater than Coos because of how Coos stacked up to his peers. Get it?

          get it ? you are redundantly repeating what I just said.
          Yes Hutson was better than his peers than Jerry was compared to his.


          • Senser81
            VSN Poster of the Year
            • Feb 2009
            • 12804

            Originally posted by ram29jackson
            get it ? you are redundantly repeating what I just said.
            Yes Hutson was better than his peers than Jerry was compared to his.
            But thats like saying Home Run Baker is the best HR hitter of all-time because when he was leading the league with 10 HRs, the 2nd place guy was only hitting 5 HRs. When Babe Ruth was hitting 60 HRs a year, Jimmie Foxx was hitting 55 HRs, so Baker is better than Ruth.

            To me, what separates Rice from Hutson is Rice's performance in the postseason. He was a monster in the postseason, Hutson wasn't. But Hutson is the only other WR in the discussion with Rice.


            • bucky
              #50? WTF?
              • Feb 2009
              • 5408

              Originally posted by Senser81
              To me, what separates Rice from Hutson is Rice's performance in the postseason. He was a monster in the postseason, Hutson wasn't. But Hutson is the only other WR in the discussion with Rice.
              As a Packer Fan, I would not argue with anyone picking Rice. And I also think Hutson is top 2.


              • FirstTimer
                Freeman Error

                • Feb 2009
                • 18720

                Originally posted by ram29jackson
                foolish,foolish, little,ignorant,insulting boy. .
                Still waiting for you to quit dodging the issue and present me with your splendid math argument of how a guy catching "5 yard" outs and averaging 3.95 YAC comes up with 14.8 YPR over his career.


                • NAHSTE
                  Probably owns the site
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 22233

                  Originally posted by FirstTimer
                  Still waiting for you to quit dodging the issue and present me with your splendid math argument of how a guy catching "5 yard" outs and averaging 3.95 YAC comes up with 14.8 YPR over his career.
                  You just aren't on the same dimension as him, you see. His multidimensional posting can really take a while to get used to.

                  The extra dimension he brings is the dimension of incorrectness.


                  • ram29jackson
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 0

                    Originally posted by Senser81
                    But thats like saying Home Run Baker is the best HR hitter of all-time because when he was leading the league with 10 HRs, the 2nd place guy was only hitting 5 HRs. When Babe Ruth was hitting 60 HRs a year, Jimmie Foxx was hitting 55 HRs, so Baker is better than Ruth.

                    To me, what separates Rice from Hutson is Rice's performance in the postseason. He was a monster in the postseason, Hutson wasn't. But Hutson is the only other WR in the discussion with Rice.

                    no, its absolutely nothing like your silly home run Baker pointless example.


                    • ram29jackson
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 0

                      Originally posted by BobSmuggins
                      You just aren't on the same dimension as him, you see. His multidimensional posting can really take a while to get used to.

                      The extra dimension he brings is the dimension of incorrectness.

                      incorrectness? this is sports debate bull pucky, its all pure conjecture, no correctness needed.

                      I'm not dodging you firstimer, youre on iggy ie unimportant.

                      uhgg me look up stats, me see stat larger than other uuhgg that make me be proved right. Rice yards after catch have nothing to with anything I am talking about. There was a larger gap between Hutson and his peers than there was between Rice and his, its as simple as that.

                      Rice dominated his decade
                      Hutson Dominated his
                      there is no greatest of all time


                      • Primetime
                        Thank You Prince
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 17526

                        Originally posted by ram29jackson
                        foolish,foolish, little,ignorant,insulting boy. Let me explain something to your simple minded ass. While its valid that there may be a top 20-30-40 of all time . There truly is no greatest of all time. And never will be.
                        no human is the greatest all time of anything. Each decade has its great players and than time moves on to the next.
                        You are the greatest ram29jackson to ever post on VSN. You are the greatest of all time. Figure out a way around that one dumb fuck.


                        • ram29jackson
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 0

                          Originally posted by Primetime232
                          You are the greatest ram29jackson to ever post on VSN. You are the greatest of all time. Figure out a way around that one dumb fuck.

                          I dont have to, I already said there is no greatest of all time.:smug2:


                          • Primetime
                            Thank You Prince
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 17526

                            And if you had any form of intelligence, you'd realize my statement proves you wrong.


                            • citizenerased
                              Rugby World Cup Champion
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 1580

                              Originally posted by ram29jackson
                              no, its absolutely nothing like your silly home run Baker pointless example.
                              Denial... how sad.
                              Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair


                              • ram29jackson
                                • Nov 2008
                                • 0

                                Originally posted by Primetime232
                                And if you had any form of intelligence, you'd realize my statement proves you wrong.

                                LOL try again with your childish foolishness LOL

