The General Wrestling Thread
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Ambrose trying his hardest not to laugh at the end with the snake on him.All you need to know when thinking of the NHL vs Madden series is the two people involved in making the games.
"rammer" and "cummings"
The NHL series is a giver, Madden takes the load.Comment
Nice bearhug by Bad Luck Reigns/Roman Fale.
He looks the part, but he's such a bore. He's like a really hot girl who sucks at sex.Comment
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For the first half of the match, you could hear a pin drop in the arena. They were put to sleep by it. And both times Punk entered the place blew up. His push is not looking promising.Comment
This is bad news for Ziggler, who now has multiple concussions.Comment
Why the fuck would you risk a guy with concussion problems with someone as sloppy as Ryback? Not even a year removed from his last one? When Chris Nowinski is spearheading the concussion issue on ALL sports? The WWE is being as reckless as Ryback...Comment
The legend returns get less and less impactful because they do it all the god damn time. It's been, what, 5 months since we last saw Flair? A year since we last saw Grandmaster Sex-ay (although nobody cared anyway). IRS and Million Dollar Man are there all the time.
What does the WWE expect? HEY EVERYONE BRET HART~!!!! ... Uh, yeah just ignore that he did a PPV pre-show like 2 weeks ago.Comment