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  • EmpireWF
    Giants in the Super Bowl
    • Mar 2009
    • 24082

    Even when Kim had time in WWE since her return, her in-ring work was subpar. Probably did drop the caring meter since returning, but oh well.


    • LiquidLarry2GhostWF
      • Feb 2009
      • 15429

      Originally posted by EmpireWF
      Even when Kim had time in WWE since her return, her in-ring work was subpar. Probably did drop the caring meter since returning, but oh well.
      The E cares NONE about how good a woman's match is...they are out there in some sexy clothes rolling around. Match quality means zilch. So, if you are supposed to be a good female wrestler, why would you try in the one cares.


      • IamMedellin
        Everything Burns...
        • Nov 2008
        • 10910

        Jeff Jarrett is running an angle where he pays if a fan can make him tap out. TNA was choosing plants for this, but the Impact Zone took it seriously and Jarrett got huge heat. Security had to stop several fans from jumping the guardrail. You’d think fans that show up to see a taped show regularly that’s as obviously winking at its audience about Kayfabe as TNA would know better.



        • JayDizzle
          Let's Go All The Way...
          • Nov 2008
          • 14215

          That's why you don't do shit like this and bullshit matches like "Fan's Revenge."

          As old-school as Jarrett claims to be, you'd figure he would remember all the stories of old ladies stabbing folks with hat pins and the like.

          That and the STABBINGS... :scared:


          • JayDizzle
            Let's Go All The Way...
            • Nov 2008
            • 14215


            • JayDizzle
              Let's Go All The Way...
              • Nov 2008
              • 14215

              I wouldn't drink it either.


              • EmpireWF
                Giants in the Super Bowl
                • Mar 2009
                • 24082

                Punk has been awesome since joining the commentary team. Memories of his stint doing ROH commentary lol.


                • adembroski
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 1815

                  Originally posted by EmpireWF
                  Punk has been awesome since joining the commentary team. Memories of his stint doing ROH commentary lol.
                  Am I the only person who thinks he's been taking veiled stabs at WWE booking when he's been on? The fact that he was wearing a Colt Cabana t-shirt during King of the Ring sort of supports my case, I think.

                  I don't remember specifics, but I just got the feeling several times he was making subtle jabs at the writing.


                  • JayDizzle
                    Let's Go All The Way...
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 14215

                    Originally posted by adembroski
                    Am I the only person who thinks he's been taking veiled stabs at WWE booking when he's been on? The fact that he was wearing a Colt Cabana t-shirt during King of the Ring sort of supports my case, I think.

                    I don't remember specifics, but I just got the feeling several times he was making subtle jabs at the writing.
                    Uncle Vince knows...

                    Punk is basically meant to be the indie mark's "guy" on the announce team.

                    Moreso, he's the the guy who is meant to say what "we're" all thinking when dumb shit is about to go down/is going down.


                    • Bigpapa42
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 3185

                      Pretty sure what Punk is doing is with approval. Vince "produces" the commentary himself - he's literally in the guys headset throughout the show. Punk is doing some similar stuff to what Striker has done at times, with a bit more of an edge and humor. The Colt Cabana T shirt really wasn't that much different from when he put Misawa's name on his fist tape. The comment about him just buying a jacket is an inside joke at him reportedly getting squashed by Taker at HIAC last year over his "un champion like" wardrobe. And the comments about Cena being able to get in and out of the ring is really just voicing what those who are logical are thinking anyway. As J-Diz points out, I think Punk is supposed to be saying what we're thinking and its intentional.


                      • IamMedellin
                        Everything Burns...
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 10910

                        Wrestler Mick Foley Hits The Hill For Rape Kit Legislation

                        Wrestler Mick Foley -- whose meeting with Tori Amos and subsequent work for the Rape, Abuse & Incest Action Network that she co-founded was chronicled on Slate in September -- joined RAINN, assault survivor-turned-advocate Julie Weil and "Private Practice" actress KaDee Strickland on Capitol Hill this week to push for passage of the Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Registry (SAFER) Act.

                        The legislation, originally co-sponsored by the unlikely duo of Reps. Ted Poe (R-TX) and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), would, among other things, allocate $10 million a year for a national registry to chronicle the backlog in DNA testing on rape kits and allow local law enforcement to audit their backlogs.

                        In an exclusive interview with TPM, Foley explained his interest in the cause: "I came to feel that there were not many males out there talking about a problem that really does affect everybody. Statistically speaking, everybody knows somebody who's been affected by rape and sexual assault whether they know it or not."

                        Foley and Weil were "optimistic" that, despite the political shifts in Washington, the legislation could still move ahead. "I have to hope that the change in control of the House and the sizable shift in the Senate is not going to affect how people look at this," said Foley, adding, "People love to see their leaders working together, and this could be an issue where there is no partisanship. It's a pretty simple one."

                        Weil, who has been driving around South Florida since the election to meet with Congress members to encourage them to support the bill, agreed. "Republicans and Democrats alike are eager to support the bill. What's not to like about this? Who doesn't want to help?" she said.

                        Weil noted that, if there were Republicans who wanted to argue that they couldn't afford to fund the bill, there was a simple answer. "Rape costs America $127 billion a year, and the SAFER Act marks $10 million a year for increased funding," she told me. Weil got her figures from the 1996 DOJ report "Victim Costs & Consequences: A New Look," which calculated that non-fatal sexual assaults on adult victims cost American $127 billion a year, between medical expenses, loss of productivity and the cost to government of prosecution. Non-fatal child rape and sexual abuse was calculated to cost another $23 billion. RAINN calculates that the adult sexual assault rate has fallen by 60 percent since 1993 -- but between inflation and the reduction in sexual assault since 1996, the total cost to society today is likely still over $100 billion in 2010.

                        Weil noted that resolving the backlog is so important because, "You can't get justice without DNA, it's just the way the world works now. Everyone expects to see DNA." Foley said that anything that increases conviction rates would help victims and encourage more to come forward because, he said, currently "I think there's a sense of hopeless among survivors, the ones that I deal with directly on the hotline, that there's no sense putting themselves through another traumatic episode if the likelihood of this person being brought to justice is not good. "

                        The Joyful Heart Foundation's End The Backlog project estimates there may be hundreds of thousands of untested rape kits around the country, noting that some municipalities have tens of thousands of backlogged rape kits -- and in cities like New York and LA, those backlogs took dedicated funds to resolve. The JHF is working with "Law & Order: SVU" actress Mariska Hargitay to highlight the importance of ending the backlog.
                        From the comments:
                        Listen to the mulleted man in the leopard shirt.
                        He speaks wisely


                        • SHOGUN
                          4 WR 1 RB 0 TE. 24/7/365.
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 11416

                          TNA desperately needs to get out of the Impact Zone, especially for PPVs. The audience, even during good matches, feels extremely stale. You don't get the sense of buzz or electricity that something of consequence is going on in the arena at all. I'm watching TNA's Final Destination and it feels like I'm watching a Strikeforce: Challengers card.

                          "Sometimes I just want to be with my family and watch movie and eat some popcorn. But when I step on the mat I know there is no other place I'd rather be." - Marcelo Garcia


                          • IamMedellin
                            Everything Burns...
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 10910

                            can they even draw a real crowd outside of the impact zone?


                            • SHOGUN
                              4 WR 1 RB 0 TE. 24/7/365.
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 11416

                              Just finished the PPV. The first half was boring and the second half was pathetic. Samoa Joe looks weaker and less intimidating than he's ever been, gimmick matches galore and more fucking shenanigans in the main event matches. Same ol' shit.

                              AJ Styles vs. Doug Williams was really good.

                              I was actually disappointed in the Generation Me vs. MCMG TLC match honestly. It wasn't bad, but it was only "meh" to me.

                              Pope vs. Abyss was absolute garbage with a horrid finish. Abyss PUNCHED THROUGH THE CASKET AND GRABBED HIS DICK for the finish. This is two straight TNA PPV losses for Pope and I can't even remember the last time he has actually won a match on TV. That's fucking sad.
                              Originally posted by IamMedellin
                              can they even draw a real crowd outside of the impact zone?

                              "Sometimes I just want to be with my family and watch movie and eat some popcorn. But when I step on the mat I know there is no other place I'd rather be." - Marcelo Garcia


                              • SHOGUN
                                4 WR 1 RB 0 TE. 24/7/365.
                                • Jul 2009
                                • 11416

                                Mickie James and Tara put on a dope match on Impact. Pretty much saved the show.

                                Anderson/Morgan segments on Impact and ReAction were amazing. Very compelling drama.

                                Having a tournament for the KO Tag Team titles is fucking stupid, but it's apparently the only way they can get Katie Lea into the show somehow.

                                "Sometimes I just want to be with my family and watch movie and eat some popcorn. But when I step on the mat I know there is no other place I'd rather be." - Marcelo Garcia

