The General Wrestling Thread
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You need to curb your enthusiasm for the WWE. They always know how to fuck it up or make things less epic than they can/should be.
The goal is to not think you still got a chance with the girl that just dumped you...just take it in stride and fuck her the few times she's lonely on a Friday night, but keep those side pieces ready to go.Comment
Read a few rumors that the plan was to have Rey vs Cena as the main event of SummerSlam, with Punk returning at that point. Everything got hot-shotted because of the disappointing Raw ratings last week.
My faith in the WWE to fuck up a really good storyline pays off! Being a cynical bastard makes it easier to take this typical shit. I figured that them starting a title tournament last week wasn't going to result in a great payoff and here we go, nullifying much of the Cena-Punk build-up drama. Fantastic. Great work, E.Comment
LOL typical panicking over a bad rating.
How soon they forget that it took Stone Cold a good six months on top before the ratings started to move upward.
We live in a RIGHT NOW society, and nothing better exemplifies that than the WWE.Comment
Hell, it took Austin 21 months after the 96 King of the Ring before he was a legit main eventer and another month before they finally beat Nitro in the ratings.
I thought ratings marks were working at TNA...I thought the WWE was past all that madness?Comment
I didn't really get into the Punk stuff, mainly because I had to work Mondays lately and never DVR'd the shit because it's WWE. I'm not missing much. The promos on YouTube were great though, and the match sounds like a once-in-a-decade occurrence in Papa Vince land. But just like everyone getting up for the WM build every year, it's not meant to last. The E is the land of the status quo. If you see something out of the ordinary, just give it a few weeks and it'll turn back into the vanilla mold it's supposed to be. Besides that, it really took all the momentum out of it when they started mentioning Punk's contract on TV. You knew once it became one of THEIR storylines, that some kind of agreement was met and that sucked most of the initial intrigue out for me. Oh, he's not leaving and they're pushing him heavily. Still, sounds like I missed a hell of a PPV main event. Oh well.Comment