Rumored Elimination Chamber match is Orton, Cena, Danielson, Sheamus, Batista and Del Rio, with the possible stip of Batista's main event shot being up for grabs.
I wouldn't cheapen the Rumble win (even though it was with Batista's return, there is no need to do it further.) I'd actually have Batista win the title at EC, face Lesnar at Wrestlemania and then you free up Danielson to work with Undertaker. Then turn Batista heel and have Danielson win the title from him.
I wouldn't cheapen the Rumble win (even though it was with Batista's return, there is no need to do it further.) I'd actually have Batista win the title at EC, face Lesnar at Wrestlemania and then you free up Danielson to work with Undertaker. Then turn Batista heel and have Danielson win the title from him.