Things are good bro. I been a busy man lately. Between work and the new baby (6 months ago) things have been a bit hectic. The kids and I were getting bored with the Wii, so I bought a PS3 a few weeks back. We have been playing little big planet and they are having a blast with it. I saw the 2009 madden demo so i downloaded it.........holy sh!t man, I could not do anything. I guess 3+ years off really got me rusty. I think i'm going to buy the new madden though, but i'll be surprised if i can play more than 1 or 2 games a week with how little spare time I get. But I got the itch, so i think I gotta pick up the sticks again. I'll be in touch man. Good to hear from you.
Helicopter --- whats up man, I will have to edit my profile with that info when I get a few minutes
NW Saint --- good to see you again too man. I will be in touch for sure
Wrath --- Looking forward to a game. Take it easy on a brother though, I'm way out of practice and I know you are looking for some revenge