Let's Go All The Way...
From Penny Arcade and Battlefieldo.com...
If this is the premium package, then we've already seen the Back To Karkand Maps so now we're down to the 3 already announced DLC (Close Quarters, Armored Kill and End Game) as well as the unnamed alleged 4th.
Also, we've already seen 10 of the 20 new weapons, 4 of the 20 new maps, 3 of the 10 new vehicles, 1 of the 4 new game modes, 10 of the 30 new assignments if this is all true.
Who knows what the fee will be but knowing how much you guys dig BF3, it might be a small price to pay to get more enjoyment out of this game.
Battlefield PREMIUM (most likely a ONE TIME FEE)
-20 new maps (across all 5 DLCs)
-20 new weapons (across all 5 DLCs)
-More than 10 new vehicles (across all 5 DLCs)
-More than 4 new game modes (across all 5 DLCs)
-More than 30 new Assignments (across all 5 DLCs)
-More than 20 new Dog Tags (across all 5 DLCs)
World premier: 4.6.2012 at 1:00 PM (PST) / 9:00 PM (UTC) - @ E3 Press Event
Two different packages (both include earlier access to DLCs)
Package 1 - BF Premium + B2K
Package 2 - BF Premium + All DLCs
If this is the premium package, then we've already seen the Back To Karkand Maps so now we're down to the 3 already announced DLC (Close Quarters, Armored Kill and End Game) as well as the unnamed alleged 4th.
Also, we've already seen 10 of the 20 new weapons, 4 of the 20 new maps, 3 of the 10 new vehicles, 1 of the 4 new game modes, 10 of the 30 new assignments if this is all true.
Who knows what the fee will be but knowing how much you guys dig BF3, it might be a small price to pay to get more enjoyment out of this game.