I got the opportunity to play Armored Kill 3 times this week. I had a really great last session today around 3:00pm with one of the developers answering my questions through out the complete demo and asking me for feed back. I really wish I'd gotten his name but if he is here, you were awesome.
Artillery (US HIMARS)
Will be two seat vehicle that only allows one occupant. This is to avoid other players from hoping in and driving it out of the position you placed it in.
All of the artillery fire mechanics are controlled by 1 person. You will aim and fire your rockets while watching your mini map. The mini map will display a series of shock wave icons that indicate where your artillery barrage has struck.
Firing speed was fairly fast to me. By the time my rockets had reached their target, I was only 2 seconds away from firing again.
You can fire 1 Rocket at a time or all 6-8 if you wish.
Firing range was a little less then half Bandar Desert (maybe closer to 1/3)
Artillery spawns at a base (Not the artillery base though) that can be captured and may work similar to Sharqi Peninsula TV station spawn. (Meaning if you hold that position you deny artillery tanks from spawning there)
Both teams get Artillery on Bandar Desert
Artillery was extremely weak in battle. Got destroyed by 1/3 a Z-11s machine gun payload. Travel near AA if possible or park next to a light post
Artillery has Perks that can be applied (Can only confirm I unlocked smoke)
The AC-130 is a 2 Seat Vehicle + Mobile Paradrop Spawn.
Contains a 125mm canon that unleashes Giant Explosions.
The second seat primary purpose is to be AA for the AC-130. It's firing field is designed to cover it from fighter jets.
AC-130 can be shot down.
The AC-130 is tied to the furthest spawn point from both primary spawn points. This point can be captured and deny US from having it spawn back if shot down. This is again similar to Sharqi Peninsula TV station spawn.
You can Paradrop from the AC-130. Once it's full it will give you the option to spawn from its position. You won't spawn in the vehicle however. You spawn outside already parachuting into the battle based on where the AC-130 location was when you choose to spawn. This is similar to the Recon's spawn beacon.
Both gunners can deploy flares. I believe it works similar to a 2 man team in an attack chopper. No ECM.
AC-130 has NO perks that the user can equip.
Heavy IFVs
5-6 Seats.
Packs more of a punch then a Heavy tank round.
Fire Speed slightly slower then a Heavy Tank.
Light on Armor (3 tank rounds will take out a IFV)
Can have Perks
Bandar Desert
It's the biggest Battlefield Map ever created.
Both teams spawn on land
The map's spawns run left to right in a concave path.
4 Spawns offer significant tactical advantages (AC-130, 2x Artillery, Lots of Extra Armor)
No transport Choppers (I suggested adding a Black Hawk or Sea Knight I just wanted more mobile spawn points)
Air Vehicles on the map: 1 Viper, 1 Little Bird, 2 F-18s (or RU equivalent) + AC-130
Good amount of reused assets (Think Gulf of Oman) but with a gorgeous sky box.
The ATV is a 2 seat vehicle.
Passenger can face forward (previously in BFBC2 you could only face backwards... and it sucked)
There only appears to be 1 ATV model. No RU or US specific version.
It has a horn
Weapons and Gadgets
They were pretty silent and said they weren't talking about these right now.
Didn't see any but I didn't have time to check the small patches of long grass on the map.
Dice Friends Dog Tag
No one knew how to get it and was confused by the question. Assuming I meant how do I get DICE dog tags but until I clarified this was a new user called Dice Friend.
New Game mode called tank superiority mode was briefly talked about.