Swedish developer DICE has revealed that combat in its upcoming shooter Battlefield 3’s campaign more closely resembles the tightly-scripted likes of the Call Of Duty series, rather than the open, sandbox style of its previous Battlefield 2: Bad Company games.
Executive producer Patrick Bach told us: “I don’t see it as an absolute goal for all games to be sandbox games. We’ve been building sandbox games for quite some time and we’ve got pretty good at it, but I don’t see that as the only way of building games, because then we wouldn’t build campaigns at all.
“In some cases they aren’t, but in most cases sandbox games are hardcore, boring, hard to get into and they are not very popular.”
Battlefield 3 is powered by DICE’s new Frostbite 2 engine, meaning that the series’ trademark destructible environments will be even more impressive than before. Bach, however, points out that the technology is posing its fair share of problems during development.
“Just the fact that the environment can change dynamically creates a huge challenge for us when it comes to AI,” he explains. “[It] puts a lot of challenges to our AI code when it comes to finding new cover, reacting to the fact that it has disappeared, moving and flanking based on the new situation.”