You think a team that LOST to a team below .500 should get in overa team who beat everybody by 20+ points the last 11 weeks of the season besides the #1 team in the nation? What if the #2 team had been from the Big East? They would have watched as every other team played a conference championship game while they got a free ride to the national championship as well.
To the bold, I never said that. I think the BCS is total shit, as as I said, it did not produce a legitimate champion last year in my eyes, because of the circumstances that a second place team in a
division qualified for the game. It was a total joke and mockery of the sport, and to me, is the final failure of a flawed system that has failed something like 9 out of 15 times to produce an undisputed champion. It needs to go, and last years travesty was the death blow.
To the second point, if these conferences want to squeeze every dollar and have these bullshit championship games, then tough shit if somebody stumbles in one and it leads to a non championship game league team jumping them. Not a single fuck is given from me if that scenario took place.
By that logic, Alabama had just as much right, as they also came off an utter destruction of their arch-rival. Besides, Oklahoma State lost to a team with a losing record, while Alabama lost a game they should have won to the #1 team in the nation and didn't play a single close game the entire year.
Again, Alabama was a second place team in a division. And they lost to LSU. They had no business getting another crack at LSU again, and to me, beating them meant nothing. All it meant was they were 1-1. Bullshit farce of a champion.
I'm not arguing against a playoff. I want to see a playoff, because I do not agree with the BCS either. All I'm saying is that I feel that for potentially the first time, in my opinion, they put the #1 and #2 teams in the National Championship game.
The BCS got it right many times, last year was not one of them. But the only time they get it right, is when it's obvious and indisputable. That's why the two team BCS system sucks. It never works unless you have two, and only two, unbeaten or 1-loss teams. We need 19 computers to accomplish that?
I said in my opinion. No one else shares mine, but after watching both these teams play I thought that Alabama was the better.
Point is, we need a playoff, but I thought Alabama > Oklahoma State, and I felt that it was proved when they smothered LSU.
But now we will never ever know how Oklahoma St would have fared in that game.
We as fans have also been robbed of dozens of classic playoff games over the years, in favor of a multitude of BCS bowls that people pretend matter.
"The Game of the Century" last year ended up meaning absolutely nothing. Let anybody try to tell you how important the CFB regular season is after last year, when the so-called most important game of the year was a meaningless exhibition teaser for a rematch 3 months later.