I'm taking a break from playing Online for a while.
I hit level 20 last night and I realized the following:
-I didn't know where to get a car from
-I didn't know how to get to Fyrestone
-I didn't know I could fast travel in SP
-I didn't know there was sales in the stores
-I don't have a clue as to the story so far
Probably more. But after 6-7 hours of online, just following people around and tearing up missions, I had enough of not knowing what the fuck I was doing.
EVeryone online just wants to race through everything as fast as possible and, despite having fun, I'm tired of being lost to what's going on.
We'll be beating a mission, someone will die and then we finish the mission. The dead guy turns in the quest, grabs 3 more and we're already halfway towards something else. Say it's a fetch X of this item quest, someone will grab them all before I even get to the area....
I don't even feel like I'm playing half the time.
So for now, I'm breaking from online. I played 3 hours offline last night and loved it. Went back and did some quests that I missed, actually got to work my way through and see just what the fuck was going on and it was much more enjoyable.
The co-op aspect is great, but if there's no mics and no concern for the actual game then it's defeating the fun of the game.