So here’s what I noticed when I, curiosity stoked by Norm’s tweeting, re-watched the opening scene earlier: at about a minute and a half in, there’s a shot where we see Walter in the process of trying to hotwire the car with a screwdriver he found in the glove compartment. In his somewhat frantic attempt to do this, he hurts his hand, and bellows “Ahhhhh!” in pain. Now, for this shot the camera is positioned down where the floorboard of the car would be, and after Walt hurts his hand he falls back into the seat and is briefly out of view of the camera. A couple of seconds later we see him again, with a camera shot focused on his face, and from that moment forward everything seems to go exactly as Walter White would want things to go, which, of course, makes me think there may be something to this theory. His “just get me home” prayer is immediately on its way to being answered as the cops leave without checking to see if one of the most wanted men in America is hiding in that car, a set of keys falls magically from the overhead visor, and the car starts without a hitch despite the fact that it’s apparently been sitting for a while in a freezing environment — and things continue to go swimmingly from there. In reality, this theory holds that Walt either died in that car or the cops found him there and arrested him (or killed him). What we see is how Walt’s sick mind hoped things would go if everything went according to plan.
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