I wouldnt mind a mini of the Maryland helmet just as a piece of history..at leasst the design represents something...the Georgia uni's were uncreative, basic, and served no purpose. Just a red stick with a silver top.
I just think they are experimenting because new tech, art, texture, and design possibilitys allow them to do so. its just a cross over period that will balance out.
Like in the late 40s early 50s when teams started to put more color, stripes and logos on the helmets. Also , since uni's are tighter in the shoulder and a teams shoulder striping use to be what signified a team in a way...they are using the rest of the jersey as the uniform sleeve,so to speak.
Oregons uni's are pretty fierce and not that bad, except they could have used an emerald green instead of ,gay 80s day-glo, Wham is doing a reunion tour,my mom told me to wear this,reflective, so cars can see me,green/yellow LOL