I am cautiously optimistic.
But I have my doubts.
If David Ortiz was on the boards last year like Ian and Phil are right now, we'd probably be sharing adembroski's enthusiasm.
I doubt it. I've considered Ortiz the problem for years. He was the face and voice of Madden, and he was never about anything but making shit better for the tourney players. That's all he gave a damn about because that's what he was, and you could tell by the way he pushed the game.
Simply being active members of a message board isn't enough for me. Ian and Phil have to deliver the goods. Until then, they're just EA employees hyping their product.
Here's specifically where I take issue with a lot of your arguments... the word "hype"... hype is bullshit. Hype is "OMG, THIS SHIT IS HOT, IT'S GOING TO BLOW YOU AWAY"... there's no substance, and the Ortiz era gave nothing but hype.
So far, Ian's given substance. He hasn't said, "This will redefine football" or anything close too it. He's giving us substance... not back of the box "revolutionary" features like Ortiz did, but fundamental football. There's a striking difference.
I don't take issue with your stance. I respect it and goddamn well understand it. You know why you didn't see me dog Madden from '06-'08? Because I disliked the game so much I didn't bother. It wasn't worthy my time or my money. Everyone talking about "vote with your wallet", I did. I didn't buy Madden for 3 years. I finally bought '09, and while it wasn't what I was hoping for, it was a damn sight better than '08, and
far more importantly, it showed to a limited extent what the platform they're making the game on is capable of (I'm specifically talking about the branching animations system for runningbacks).
But all the gameplay advancements combined from the first NextGen product to '09 don't equal what the blogs have already shown. Hell, the last two blogs alone blow away anything Ortiz did his entire time there... it's just a matter of tuning.
Maybe the tuning doesn't work, maybe we get a broken game. If that happens, I'll eat crow and I'll be damned if I ever buy another Madden again.
I did say in a previous post that I didn't think Madden 10 would surpass 2k5 in every way, and I'll give you a few examples.
* It's too far behind in presentation to make up the ground in one season, period. Wont happen. We'll see improvements, but if they concentrated enough on that to surpass 2k5, the gameplay would still be shit.
* I don't think the running game will quite get there... I think it'll be close though, but unless they do some major tuning for defensive player pursuit logic... specifically things like check-and-plug and outside containment, it wont be there. 2k5 didn't have that, but some other aspects of it helped make up for it.
* Computer Play calling... 2k5s wasn't great, but Madden's was horrid. I don't get the sense they're rewriting this from the bottom up, It seems more like they're going to tweak it the best they can within the platform they have, which means it's going to be another year of pretty much randomly selected plays with little rhyme or reason behind them. This is a HUGE one for me, and it'll be a big let down if they don't do something with it. Alas, I don't think they will.
* Defensive playbooks... once again, 2k5s wasn't great, but the fact that you could select stunts and shifts independently of the coverage call is a big one. I hate it when I'm looking for a good weak slant to help me shut down the running game, but I can't get it in a cover 3. It's already confirmed we wont see this this year, and it's one area 2k5 has in spades.
* Online... I don't expect we'll see the coveted online franchise this year. Nothing in particular out of Madden camp to suggest it wont, but it's hard to believe considering how much of the last NCAA cycle online dynasty took up to think Madden will be doing as much as it is and still have time and resources left over to get it done. 2k5 had very advanced online options for its time. Madden's too far behind here.
Then again, I'm a bit more of a realist than most 2k5 players. I know the game was flawed, and worse yet, I know the people who made it took MASSIVE short cuts that, if people knew what was going on under the hood, they'd be disgusted by it. The player inertia was non-existant before 2004, and poorly implemented in 2005 (try a screen pass if you wanna know what I mean... while you're player takes several seconds to recover from catching the ball, the defensive end who's bearing down on the QB suddenly morphs so that he's facing the other direction and is running full speed at the ball carrier). 2k5s playbooks always received SOOO much hype, but if you follow the evolution of offensive football, you realize that Madden is always 2-3 years behind the NFL, and 2k5 is always about 5 years behind Madden (actually, I'd be willing to say that APFs playbooks were the worst I've ever seen in a football game... they seem to have selected 2 or 3 basic passing concepts and repeated them ad nauseoum in different forms throughout the playbooks. How many drag routes of different depths can we fit in THIS play? Biggest reason I stopped playing the game, honestly. Sick of fucking drag routes).
PS: If you're gonna have a sig that size, at least make it nude?