so i'm about 13 hours in, middle of the expedition (which i might need to restart cause my party isn't tough enough to defeat a boss in there...)
anyways, my opinion on the game has changed drastically now that i'm well into the game.
I'm completely UNDERwhelmed.
I would have put Bioware up near the top of the best developers on the planet, they were like Blizzard, they'd put out top polished quality when it was ready. This however is not Bioware quality, it's the fuckin EA machine cashing in by pissing on it's fans.
The report about this game being rushed couldn't be more true and I understand why the Lead Designer from DA:O quit Bioware over this game. I find the game clunky, the inventory management/options crap and the depth a bit too shallow. Your companions are lame compared to DA:O, couldn't give a fuck about any of them so far. The reused environments is utterly fucking pathetic...,mobs spawning out of thin air? I mean WTF?
This is besides the game crashing on me repeatedly....
It's an OK game, I'm enjoying it enough to finish it I guess, but I expect nothing but GOTY contenders from Bioware because that's all they've ever given us.....but now they are EA, so no longer should we expect that. This game is a 7/10 at it's best moments....which is shit if you ask me. The game does have some positives over DA:O, but all I see is cut corners and rushed ideas which negate what ground this franchise made.
I'm trading in my Bioware homer card and my expectations for ME3 are down the drain.
Fuck you EA.