Yeah, give me 2006 Mistico vs 1995 Mysetrio, in front of 30,000 in Mexico City, and I can get into that. Chunky almost 40 non PED Rey Rey vs whatever Sin Cara is, does absolutely nothing for me.
RE: Road Warriors vs Dudleyz. Dudleyz never did anything for me. Not in ECW, not in WWE, not in TNA, not in Japan. I don't get them, never did, and beyond being Raven lackeys early on in ECW with the 8 wacky brothers (the black, the indian, the retard, the mute, the giant, etc), nothing they ever did held my interest, especially the classic Bubba Ray/Devon pair.
The classic mid-80's TBS era Road Warriors were fantastic. It was better that they didn't sell, it would have made no sense. Like a lot of acts that come to the WWE (even to this day), there was something "off" about them when Vince put his subtle touches on things. Yes, it was still Hawk & Animal, yes, they were essentially the same characters, but something was....different. The element of danger was not the same. For lack of a better term, it was corporate Road Warriors. It was "The Legion of Doom".
Kind of how I always say Bryan Danielson no longer exists. Daniel Bryan looks like Bryan Danileson, wrestles kinda like Bryan Danielson, but he isn't really Bryan Danielson. It's a reasonable facsimile, but it's not the same.
Vince wants guys to over do the things that make wrestlers what they are. Do you know how many times Hawk did the "Ohhhh, what a rush!" routine pre-WWE? Hardly ever. Now & then. Vince had him doing that god damn promo EVERY SINGLE TIME. Vince was obsessed with the idea that Daniel Bryan is a vegan geek, so the pushed that idea EVERY GOD DAMN TIME the guy was on TV (via Michael Cole). Now it's pretty obvious that Bryan does the obsessed nutcase routine pretty well, so he has to be OVER THE TOP OBSESSED CRAZY GUY now. It's just what the WWE does.
So anyway, the LOD never felt the same in the WWF. Even the jobber matches were different. They were WWF-ized. They were still very popular and got over, but more in a kid way, which was the goal because they sold those foam shoulder pads and t-shirts and everything else. So i'm not really knocking the strategy, just the idea that the WWE does what they do, which is amplify everything to death to appeal to kids by using familiarity. It's why I don't get worked up anymore over what they do.