I don't think you have seen much of what I have had to post on the Viking situation then. I was hoping for him to stay retired. I'm not on Favre's nuts either for thinking what the majority of people in most nationwide polls about who was at fault over Favre leaving Green Bay.
Just setting the record straight
When was that poll? Last season Im guessing as I do believe a lot of people really did believe that. Run that poll now and I would almost guarantee more even results if not most people blaming Favre. Favre has shown his ugly side and I really think most people see it now and have had enough. A lot realize now that maybe it wasn't all Ted Thompson. Not to mention his support in WI is dwindling based on my experience being home 3 of the past 5 weekends. A lot of Packer fans still sympathized with Favre after last offseason. You should hear the way he's talked about now. Majority of Wisconsinites and Green Bay folk that I have seen and talked to are not pleased with Favre.
My biggest thing with you on this is while most of us others are willing to give and take and realize that neither side handled it well (yes I do think Favre has been more in the wrong but regardless neither handled it all that well), you are one of those Favre is holier than thou people who think he can do no wrong. You may deny that but anyone who reads your posts can see it.
Like I said, Thompson is no saint in the matter. But if you can't see, as bucky said, that Favre was clearly angling for this from the get go your completely blinded by your unhealthy love for the man. Favre for reasons that are his own, wanted out of Green Bay and wanted to play for the Vikings. He tried to talk his way out and play games with the media to get his way out. Thompson wasn't having it, which is smart. You don't willingly let a divisional rival have your QB. He was traded to New York and is now finally getting his wish.
You can try to throw it all on Thompson. Its actually funny to watch you do so because its so completely irrational. Reality is Favre put Thompson in a no win situation and Thompson didn't handle it the best but then again I'm not sure how you handle that situation any better.
Like I said, if Brett wants to play, I'm totally fine with it. He should play. I don't think he is playing for the love of the game anymore, hes playing for flat out revenge now but that's neither here nor there. I have lost respect for Favre as a person but not as a player. I'll always love him for what he gave to GB and hope the fences are mended quickly if he ever does retire for real. But if he plays for the Vikings this season, then this season I will treat him as the enemy.