Obviously no, that's a gigantic blanket.
Some guys who didnt use will get the shaft because of the guys who we know did.
I'm more in line with the thinking that if a guy was a known user (positive test, self admitted, name part of any of the reports that were leaked, etc.), doesn't get a vote, guys like Palmeiro, Bonds, McGwire, whoever else. For guys who were never part of that (no matter hearsay such as back acne or whatever the fuck), guys like Walker, Bagwell, Edgar Martinez, then go right ahead.
It's ridiculous to think the baseball HOF should be without such major names as Bonds, ARod, McGwire, etc. They could also put a denotion next to the name/marker/whateverthefuck to denote they were an admitted user.
I guess it's just plain easier to say it was part of the game for however long and move on with it already.
Know what, at the end of the day, it's just a stupid museum. Put whoever in and just add it to their career description.