MLB really takes you through the day nicely.
The Rundown sets up the day and previews everything.
MLB Tonight is fantastic. When there is no game that has my full attention, I watch that. They go around the league, do live look ins at key times, and talk about the days events as they unfold.
The Quick Pitch is great late at night if you've been out and need to catch up. This is what I put on if I want to see highlights, while ESPN is live from Jets camp or Jaws is talking about his 18th ranked QB.
The network itself would be near perfect if they let Mitch Williams go.
Of the league specific networks, MLB covers their offseason the best. Hot Stove Tonight, live every day from the winter meetings, Clubhouse Confidential (which was a groundbreaking show that took some guts to put on the air, since it flies in the face of a lot of old school baseball people, including people employed by the network itself).
213 has become my "go to", fuck 206.